V. Shapeshifter

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Your clothes were getting soaked by the rain, keeping yourself cool from your motors heating up. This had been the perfect weather to go all out, nothing would've stopped you from escalating the situation further. You had tossed you umbrella to the side, stretching your arms embracing yourself.

"I see how it is.. You wanna get in my way too?"

Her voice got a pitch deeper, a part of her disguise started to melt off revealing her bright yellow irises, and sharp teeth.

"I wasn't told someone like you was around, but I'll cut you anyway."
Suddenly she disappeared off of your radar, alarming you. You shut your eyes, relying on your sensors to take over until you felt her presence near you.


You grabbed her wrist, squeezing it but she slid through your grip, using her free hand to thrust forward with a knife. You lifted your knee up, shattering the weapon with the bulkiness of your prosthetic. Rotating and switching your weight to swing a strong kick into the woman's stomach. The woman's back hit against a vehicle, jolting her forward and falling onto the concrete.

You had placed both hands in your pockets, tilting your head.

"Is that all you got? I'm not done yet though."

The woman had spit up some vile, her body still laying on the concrete. You had held up your hand pointing it at her, your robotic arm folded into a canon, revealing the colorful metal underneath. The device started glowing, your arm whirring while it charged up.

"A shape shifting quirk huh? What do you want with Hawks?"

40% charged

"Why should I tell you anything?" She hissed, her wet hair sticking to her face eyes glistening with rage.

60% charged


A large pink light had been emitting from your fingers, slowly expanding and charging up. The pink light shot directly next to the woman, melting the car behind her. She was startled enough to hide behind the car, you were able to easily track her, your bio enhanced eyes saw her heat signature behind the vehicle.

"I can see you," you smiled, bending down and picking up your umbrella weapon.

"Wanna try cutting me again? I wanna have more fun before dissecting you into pieces! I've always wanted to play with one of your quirks!"

Your voice had started to distort, your laughter kicking in further intimidating the villain.

....Incoming call from U.A support department counselor....

"Ah, hold on I have a phone call!"
Your voice switched back to normal,

By the time you had checked on your phone, the villain had retreated. You didn't bother going after her at this point, she had left the broken knife from earlier on the floor. You leaned over picking it up and placed it into your pocket,

"Hey, I ran into something sorry." You had been pretty sure that they had called to check to see the approximate time you'd get there.

"Oh! I've been emailing you since last night, I've been trying to reschedule because the weather is so bad today.." the lady over the phone felt guilty, she probably should've called sooner.

"You were on your way? I'm sorry Battle Angel, is everything alright? There's been a power outage too in some areas..."

"No, no.. Well sorta.."

The rough winds made it hard to hear at some point. You had been practically yelling into the phone,

"I'll email you! I'll send you an email!" Your reception eventually cutting off, it's best to go back inside.

By the time you made it back into the penthouse the sky had been dark, with gloomy clouds. A clap of thunder was roaring over the city, winds howling against the windows. You haven't really heard from Hawks since the weather had gotten worse, he probably wouldn't fly in this weather would he? Out of curiosity you decided to check in on him.

(Y/N) : hey kazooie

Message has not delivered, "X"

Well there was temporary power outages in the area, luckily you had a generator. Hawk's phone must've not had service, so you tried not to worry as much. You brought your attention to something else, focusing on matching the fingerprints on the knife the villain tried to kill you with.

The machinery scanned the knife, rotating its lights crossing over the weapon repeatedly, before showing its prints onto the holographic screen. You pressed the screen, saving a copy and duplicating it onto another file. Another hologram popped up as you scrolled through the database, it didn't take you long to find a match.

"Ah, Toga Himiko from the League." The match had been on your screen as you scrolled down looking through her information.

"Funny, she's a little trouble maker huh?"

You reviewed over the case where she had disguised as a student, and ambushed a UA student. You figured that you should report the incident, but maybe you should wait till you were able to get in contact with Hawks. Reporting it right now probably wouldn't get anywhere, you had to wait till this storm blew over.

You got bored and decided to look into Hawk's profile, there had been a lot of fans and forums surrounding him. Even some rumors that he had a girlfriend, various pictures of this one girl in particular. She had long blonde hair, with silver like wings, she looked pretty.. it made you jealous.

You probably had been lurking for too long, because now you had been on your 4th cup of alcohol believing that Keigo was just using you for gadgets.

Your 5th cup made you realize that this was a relative, and that you got jealous over a relative.. And you may have some feelings for Keigo but you stayed in denial.

Cat videos are a good distraction, if you were a cat you wouldn't have feelings for a bird! Logic hits the fan when you're lovesick and drunk.

You started grabbing things around your apartment and knocking them over, you definitely were getting noise complaints after tonight. You eventually blacked out next to your desk with a nosebleed, you had slid off the chair and hit your nose on the way down.

You heard muffled knocks from your balcony, you had been in and out of conscious to really pay attention. Everything faded to black before you even had the change to figure out who had been by the door.

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