Best Friends

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Today was the first day of my junior year. Fantastic.

The downside? Frank and Mikey are a year behind me. Upside? I have Ray and Gee. Bigger upside? We all have lunch together.

I quickly finished my "first day of school" look. Ripped high-waisted skinny jeans, a loose black crop-top, and my leather jacket. I did my usual makeup and straightened my hair, then slid on my leather combat boots before making my way down to the kitchen.

"Good morning, sweetheart!" My mom greeted me as she finished making breakfast. I'm incredibly thankful for her. My dad left us for some other chick two years ago. She works her ass off and still takes care of my brother and I, even though he could take care of himself if he wanted to, but we won't get into that.

"Morning, mum." I groggily replied. Every year she started out my first day with my favorite breakfast.

"Are the boys meeting you here?" She asked. I've been friends with the four hooligans since I was seven. They've helped me through so much shit, I don't know where I'd be without them.

"Yep! They should be here in like, fifteen minutes, I think." I stuffed my mouth with the amazing breakfast she made. I sipped on some juice between bites to help wash it all down.

Once finished, I grabbed my backpack and put on my snapback that said "queen" on it. Each of the boys had one that said "king" on it, although Mikey's was on a beanie.

"I'll see you after school, mom! Thanks for the breakfast." I gave her a quick hug and left the house, where I found the boys waiting outside.

"Hey, Y/N!" I giggled at their simultaneous greeting.

"Hey, losers. Let's go to hell."

The five of us began walking, none of us wanting to actually go. We weren't necessarily bad kids, we just skipped. A lot. Since it was our first day though, we decided not to.

"What period should we skip tomorrow? Art and music are the two I refuse to skip so it can't be fourth or seventh." Gee stated. I had art and drama with him and music with both him and Ray. Ray and I had English and Anatomy together, leaving me alone in Geometry and Geography.

"I'm definitely down with skipping geometry. I'll just Google the homework answers so I pass." I shrugged.

"Which period is that?" Mikey asked.

"Third. What are you guys in then?"

"Mikey and I are in biology. I don't mind if he doesn't." Frank answered. Mikey shrugged in response.

"I have English. Ray?"

"Trigonometry. Fuck that shit. Third period it is." I chuckled at his response. As soon as we arrived in front of the building, we all groaned in response.

"I hope this fucking place burns down one day." I mumbled, causing the boys to laugh.

We entered the building and went our separate ways to our lockers. Ray and I had English first period, so he said he'd meet me at my locker when he was done.

I put my shit inside my locker, hanging up my jacket and hat after sliding in the unnecessary stuff. As I shut it, I already heard giggling from the dumb bitch that had always bullied me.


"Hey, emo slut. How many times did you fuck your four loser friends this summer?" She smirked at me. I turned around, giving her my signature death glare.

"Oh, it was every day. At least it was the same people unlike you who fucked the entire football team last year. Oh, or that time you let that guy fuck you in the ass if he bought you french fries!" I smirked. Ray came up behind me and slid his arm around my waist.

"Yeah, I heard it from the guy himself. He said you were already loose as shit. Like sliding uncooked spaghetti into a rabbit hole." He chuckled.

The girl stood speechless before huffing and walking away. I turned around and hugged Ray tightly.

"That was fucking awesome." I spoke into his chest. He basically vibrated with laughter before I let him go. "Let's get to first."

We walked in just as soon as the bell rang and took our seats in the very back of the room.

"Alright, class, I'm Mrs. Chess. Today I'll just be handing out a syllabus I'll need you to take home to your parents to have signed. That's all I really have for you today, but tomorrow we'll start our first lesson." The woman said as she passed around the papers.

I've never really had a problem with any of my teachers. Like I said, we aren't bad kids, we just skip a lot. Frank is honestly the worst out of all of us. He reminds me of a toddler that has hand too much sugar.

Ray and I just talked throughout the entire period until the bell rang. I slid the syllabus into my English folder and stood, leaving the room with him.

The entire day went on like that. By the time school was over, I had at least six forms for my mother to sign.

The five of us met up again outside of the school and began walking to my house. Another school year tradition: mom makes dinner for us on the first day. Everyone loved my mom like she was their own.

Once we arrived, we all kicked off our shoes and threw our bags down. I threw my jacket and hat on the couch and ran to the kitchen with the stack of papers.

"Ma, you have homework!" I yelled. Just as I suspected, she was standing next to the oven.

"Oh, hooray." She flatly spoke. "Where are my boys?"

"We're in here, mom!" They called out together, making her giggle.

The five of us helped mom finish dinner and set the table. Frank got out the drinks, Ray got the glasses since he was the tallest, Frank and Gerard set the plates and silverware out, and I helped my mom bring the food out to the table.

We all say in our now-designates seats. This has become such a routine that we seriously have our own seats. My mom sits at the head of the table and I sit across from her on the other end of the table. Frank sits to my left with Ray next to him while Gerard sits to my right with Mike next to him.

My brother usually worked around dinner time, but when he was home and they were over, we would have to pull out the table leaf and bring out an extra chair.

I honestly have no idea what I would do without these people.


Okay, that's the first chapter. I have a migraine and my phone isn't as bright as the laptop so if there are any grammatical errors, oh well, this hurts less.

I'll probably write more today, idk. I can't nap so something has to occupy my time.

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