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I was the first one out of the group to meet Y/N. I remember it like it was yesterday, even though it was nearly ten years ago. It was our first day of second grade, she was new, and she was terrified.

"Hey, I see you're new, what's your name?" I asked the h/c haired girl. 

"I'm Y-Y/N. What's your name?" She was really shy and quiet, but she seemed nice.

"I'm Ray! Hey, if you want, you can sit by me! Oh, and you can sit with my friend and I at lunch too! Gerard is in the same grade as us, but not in our class." I told her. Her mood seemed to brighten a little bit after that.

"I'd really like that."

Looking at her now, it's hard to believe she was ever that shy. As she's grown up, she's become very outspoken. She's developed her own personality, and she's kind of a badass. 

"Hey, Y/N." Nine year old me said as Y/N plopped down on the ground beside me. It was the last day of school, so all of the kids got to go outside and play. "What's wrong?"

"My mommy and daddy are fighting again." She pouted. 

"I'm sorry, Y/N/N." I hugged her and let her cry for a couple minutes before she calmed down.

"Thank you, Ray."

The girl has been through so much in her life, and even though it's hard watching her go through it, I'd never leave her to go through it alone.

"Ray, can you please meet me at the park? It's an emergency." Eleven year old Y/N said over the phone.

"Yeah, I'll be right there." We hung up, then I told my parents where I was going and my reason. The park was fairly close to my house, so they didn't care. The neighborhood we lived in was safe so they rarely worried as long as I told them where I was going.

When I got to the park, I saw her sitting on one of the swings. She was shaking and looked like she was in shock.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" I asked as I ran over to her.

"They're fighting again, really bad this time. Dad was screaming really loud and he even yelled at me, even though I wasn't doing anything." Her lip quivered as she spoke. I pulled her into me and let her cry into my shoulder.

"It's okay, Y/N/N, it's going to be okay."

My feelings for her grew as we hit our early teenage years. 

My thirteen year old heart leapt out of my chest as I saw her walking towards me. We were in eighth grade now, and we were currently at the school dance. Gerard couldn't make it, Frank and Ray were still too young, so we went together. She looked beautiful.

"You look amazing." I told her as I held my hand out.

"You don't look so bad yourself." She smiled and took my hand happily. We began to dance along with the music, which we were absolutely terrible at. 

"I'm surprised I haven't stepped on your toes yet." I told her as we slow danced.

"Me too, honestly." We both laughed. It was a great night.

I was the first one to see her at her absolute worst.

When I was fourteen, my parents were at work, so I was home alone. I was just chilling in my living room, watching tv, when I heard loud knocking on my door. My friends usually call before they come over, so I was a little hesitant at first.

"Ray, it's me, let me in!" I heard her yell. I bolted up from the couch and unlocked the door. When I opened it, the sight broke my heart.

"Come in, oh my god, what happened?" I let her in and quickly shut the door. Her hair was messy, eyeliner was running down her face, and her knuckles were bruised.

"Dad left. He left us for that bitch and-and when he-" she started to sob. I wrapped my arms around her and let her cry into me. "when he went to leave, I punched him. I punched him really really hard. Then I ran."

When she calmed down a little, I walked to the kitchen and grabbed some ice from the freezer. I wrapped it up in a towel and brought it out for her.

"Your dad is a piece of shit and you're better off without him." I told her as she laid her head down on my lap.

"I know."

I've seen her at her absolute best.

"Ray! Oh my god, you're never going to believe this!"  Fifteen year old Y/N  screamed as she randomly entered my house.

"Come in? And what? What's got you so hyped up?" I asked.

"The article I wrote in history is going to be in the newspaper! I know it's not that big of a deal but I'm so excited! I put so much time into this and now everyone will see it!" She rambled happily.

"That's amazing! Congratulations!"

Then I realized I was completely in love with her. I'm sure it's obvious to everyone, but I'm not sure she seems to get it. The problem is, I'm pretty sure the other three feel the same way. The bigger problem is, if I dated her, I'd risk losing her.

I can't lose her.


So I wanted to get this one and the next three out tonight but then I was up watching Supernatural with my mom and brother so this is the only one tonight. I have to be up early and it's already 1:30am soooooo, yeah! Off to bed I go now.

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