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Gerard POV

We were so young when we met, so small, but we got along so easily. I met her through Ray, who brought her over to our table on the first day of second grade.

"Gerard, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Gerard!" Ray introduced us.

"Hi, Y/N!" I smiled up at her. She hid behind Ray for a couple seconds, almost analyzing me in a way, before she finally spoke up.

"It's nice to meet you, Gerard." She softly spoke. 

She sat down across from me, Ray sitting next to her. Her and I both packed our lunches, so Ray left us alone when he went up to buy his.

"So how is your first day going?" I asked her. She looked up from her sandwich and met my eyes, once again analyzing my actions.

"It's been pretty okay. Ray is my only friend so far though. Are we going to be friends?" She questioned before taking a bite out of her sandwich.

"I'd love to be friends with you!" I beamed. She smiled back at me, then lunch continued on.

She's always been there for me, even if she wasn't doing well either. We kind of leaned on each other, you know?

"Gee, what's wrong?" Ten year old Y/N asked me. She came over and sat next to me on the grassy field.

"Tyler c-called me fat and said I'll always be a loser." I whimpered. "I don't want to be a loser."

"Well, he's just a big meanie. I don't think you're a loser, Gee, and you're not fat either. You'll always be perfect to me." She hugged me tightly and I cried into her. It was hard to not feel like a loser when you cried in your crush's arms.

She was there at my worst, just like I was there for her at her worst. 

It was the day after her twelfth birthday. She had called me, sobbing uncontrollably. I told her to meet me at the park, so I ran there as fast as possible.

"Y/N/N, what's going on?" I crouched down in front of her as she sat on the park bench.

"Dad is drinking and mom is working the night shift. I don't want to be there, Gee." She cried. I pulled her into my chest and let her cry.

"What if you stay the night at my house? You can use our house phone to call your mom and tell her. I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind." I offered. She let go of me and looked up, still silently crying.

"Really?" She asked, to which I nodded, "Thank you so much, Gee!" 

She jumped up and wrapped her arms tightly around my neck, and I hugged her back just as tight.

But it wasn't all sad times! She lived closest to me, so she came over a lot.

"I can't believe we're going to be in high school now, Gee! It's so weird! I feel like just yesterday we met at lunch!" She exclaimed as she plopped down on my couch. It was the first day of summer vacation. After it, we would be ninth graders.

"I know, it's really weird. At least it's summer now though!" I replied.

"What should we do first? Oh, I know! Let's go swimming!" I looked down, kind of embarrassed. "Gee, it's okay, I'll teach you how to swim!"

"Really?" I asked excitedly. 

So then we left the house and went to the nearby beach. The sun hadn't set yet, but there was still no one else around. We had already changed into our swimsuits before we came, and I will admit, I was a little flustered.

"Alright, let's go!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the water. I followed hesitantly, but I trusted her. We walked out until the water was to my chest. She could tell I was scared, but once again, I trusted her.

"Okay, I'm going to have you float on your back first, okay? I'm going to put my hands under you and hold you up. Lean back, I promise I won't let you drown." I did as she said and leaned back.

I learned how to swim that summer.

This year, I learned I had no idea what I would do without her. 

She had gone on vacation for a week with her mom and brother. A week, and I felt empty. The guys tried to get me out of the house, but nothing sounded fun without her. So when I heard a knock at the door, I ignored it. When the knocking grew louder, I finally caved.

"Hey, cutie! Miss me?" She asked after I opened the door. I didn't say anything, I just pulled her in and swung her around. I didn't want to let go. "I'll take that as a yes!"

"Never ever leave me again! I was so sad without you." I pouted. She smiled lightly and placed her hand on my cheek.

"I won't leave you again, I promise. Next vacation, I'll just take you with me!"  She beamed.

"Sounds great."

The truth is, I'm pretty sure I've always been in love with her. I would give my life for this woman, it would always be that way. Every up and down I've ever had, that she has ever had, we've been there. She's my rock and I love her more than life itself.

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