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This is just a short and shitty filler. Nothing really important, just cuteness.


We've been in school for a week now and our routine has already set in. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays we skip third period. Tuesdays and Thursdays we skip some other random period, it ultimately depends on our moods. Don't want to take the anatomy quiz that we do every fucking day? Fuck it, skip. Which is what we did today.

Today, I asked to go to the nurse while Ray hid in the bathroom until I got out. I obviously didn't actually go to the nurse, and I think my teacher already knew this. He's pretty laid back so as long as I don't fail, I'll be okay. I left the room with the written pass in my hand and walked towards the bathroom Ray was in.

"Ray, I'm out, lets go." I whispered into the entrance. Five seconds later, out popped the curly-haired boy as well as Gee. "The other dorks said they'd meet us outside. I don't know if they're there yet or not though." I said as I locked arms with the two.

We walked out the back doors of the building and made our way towards our spot. Behind our school was a trail that the cross country team would run on, which led to a small creek. Once we arrived, I sat down on the large rock that sat in front of the mini waterfall.

"It's about time you showed up." Frank mumbled into my ear, spooking me. I turned around and hit his arm. "Ouch!"

"Well don't scare me like that, idiot." I laughed. As he plopped down next to me, a pair of hands clasped over my eyes.

"Guess who!" Mikey exclaimed in the fakest female voice I've ever heard. It was honestly quite comical.

"Well, taking the calloused fingertips and awful impersonation, I'm going to assume it is my beautiful unicorn lover." He quickly uncovered my face and sat on the other side of me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"You are correct!"

"You never call me beautiful!" Frank pouted. I looked at him and pulled him into my arms.

"You are the most beautiful Frank I have ever met, I promise!" He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face into my shoulder. Mikey began to pat his head with the arm wrapped around me. "I feel so loved right now." I chuckled.

"No, she's mine!" I heard from behind us, mere seconds before arms wrapped around me and pulled me away from the other two. "Losers!" Gerard yelled.

"Seriously, why am I so loved? I'm not that cool, you know." I giggled. Gerard put me down and pulled me into a tight hug.

"On the contrary, Sugar. You're the coolest!" I snorted into his chest.

The rest of the class period was spent joking around, skipping ricks, and even a mini game of tag. Skipping class, at least for me, isn't about being a rebel or anything. For me, it's a small getaway from the hell that is high school. It's memories I'll love to relive later in life. It's time spent with four of the five people I couldn't live without.

Once we heard the bell ring, we hurried back inside. The rest of the school day went by faster than I thought it would. Nothing super eventful had happened, I was doing well in all of my classes so far, and Summer hasn't bothered me since Ray and I called her out.

I gathered my things from my locker, sliding on my leather jacket and my hat, and proceeded to walk out the door to meet my best friends.

"My mom is making alfredo tonight, are you guys in?" I asked them as we started walking.

"Hell yeah!" They screamed in unison, making me laugh at their enthusiasm. When we arrived at my place, we went through the usual procedure; set our shit down, kick off our shoes, and greet my mother.

"There's my favorite boys!" She beamed as she pulled them all into a group hug.

"Ouch, I see how it is, mom." My brother yelled from the couch. I walked over to him and gave him pats on the head.

"Oh, you know what I mean!" She rolled her eyes at him. "Can you guys go put the table leaf in for me please?" They all nodded in reply and made their way to my dining area. Frank and Mikey pulled the table apart while Ray and Gee picked up the heavy slab of wood, placing it in the center gap.

Dinner went by as usual; laughter, happiness, and odd conversations. Ray had an alfredo noodle in his hair thanks to my brother, Frank had sauce all over his shirt, and my mom had a very large grin on her face. This is what love and family really is, isn't it?

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