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Mikey POV

I didn't meet her until a day or two later. Yeah, I know, I'm the lame one that meets her last. I'll never forget how I met her though.

I was six, even more shy and reserved than I am now, and I was sitting by myself on the swings at recess. I was just minding my own business when two kids a year older than me came over and started teasing me.

"Hey, Michael. Shouldn't you still be in your crib at home? Because you're such a little baby!" The boy laughed.

"Yeah, you're small enough to be one too!" They both laughed together. I tried to ignore them, but they really hurt my feelings.

"Hey, jerks! Pick on someone your own size!" A girl yelled. We all looked towards her, I was already thankful for her.

"What are you gonna do about it, girl?" The boy asked.

"This!" She walked over and punched the boy right in the face. He started crying immediately. "Tell anyone what happened and I'll make sure your parents find out that you're bullying someone younger than you!"

The two nodded in fear and ran away from us.

"Are you okay?" She asked me. I was still in shock that someone older was protecting me. The only one that ever did that was Gerard, but he wasn't out here today.

"Y-yeah. Thank you." I spoke softly.

"Hey, no need to be shy around me. What's your name?" She questioned as she sat on the swing next to me.

"Michael, but everyone calls me Mikey. What's your name?" I asked back.

"I'm Y/N! Mikey, I want you to find me if anyone picks on you ever again. I'll beat them up!" She grinned almost evilly. 


She kept her promise. I'm pretty sure she protected me more than Gee did.

"Really, Tyler? He's in fourth grade! Leave him the hell alone!" Everyone gasped as they heard her swear. She was in fifth grade, only about ten years old, so no one expected it. "C'mon, Mikey."

I shoved Tyler out of the way and followed her.

"I've never heard you swear before!" I exclaimed as we walked down the hallway.

"I never have, but seeing them pick on you made me really angry." She stopped and hugged me, "I won't let anyone mess with you, Mikey. I promise."

I protected her too, though. It wasn't just a one-way street.

She was thirteen now, I was twelve. Summer had been calling her all kinds of mean names in front of everyone and spreading lies about her. Y/N never cried about it, but I knew she wanted to. She always acted tough, which I admired.

"Fat whore." Summer mumbled as she passed us.

"Says you, pig." I spoke up. She turned around and glared at me. Y/N just stared at me, shocked.

"What did you say to me, freak?" She growled as she walked closer to me.

"I said, says you. Pig." I emphasized the pig part.

"At least I'm not ugly like your little girlfriend. Emo freak." She smirked. I could tell Y/N was pissed, but I guarantee I was worse.

"Trust me, she's nowhere near ugly. She's beautiful inside and out, whereas you're neither. Your personality is just as dreadful as your looks. You are a literal pile of shit that is just looking for attention." I spat. Her face contorted from shock to anger in a matter of seconds.

"You're going to regret that, kid." She said flatly before turning and walking away.

"You didn't have to do that, Mikey." Y/N mumbled as she leaned into my arm. I wrapped it around her and walked towards our lockers.

"Of course I did."

There were even times she didn't know I was defending her. Times I'm sure she would probably get mad at me over, or get really sad, who knows.

I was thirteen, she was fourteen, and her dad had just left her and her family. I was in the local grocery store when I saw him and his new girlfriend. He spotted me right away.

"Hey, Mikey! How have you been?" He asked. How the fuck could he act this friendly after what he did to the one person that owns my heart?

"You've got a lot of fucking nerve talking to me like that after what you've done." I spat.

"Excuse me?" He was in disbelief. It took a lot to make me this angry.

"You heard me. How could you leave them? Do you know how upset you've made all of them? And for this piece of trash on your arm? You've got to be kidding me!" I paused to laugh a little, "You know what, maybe it's good that you left. They deserve better than you anyway. Also, nice bruise. I really fucking hope it hurt."

I turned away after that, leaving him shocked. You know you fucked up when you hear the quiet kid tell you off.

We've even fought people together, which was kind of cool. 

I was fourteen, she was fifteen. It was the last day of school and Tyler and Summer wanted to start shit again. We had had enough.

"Are you gonna fucking fight us or what? Stop wasting our time otherwise." She rolled her eyes at them.

"Fine, but your asses are going down." They both ran at us. Tyler tackled me, but I easily flipped him over and began punching him. Y/N, on the other hand, was a complete badass. She dodged Summer and immediately took her down. 

"Never. Mess. With. Us. Again." I said, punching him harder and harder after each word." 

I was honestly surprised that we won, and she was surprised that I had it in me to do that much damage.

"I'm proud of you, Mikey." She beamed. I stood up and wrapped my left hand around her waist. We walked out of the school together, slightly bruised, and met up with the other guys. They were a little shocked, but we did it.

She's my protector, and I will always be hers. No matter what.

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