chapter 2

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A month ago

I was in the french class staring not at the board but my amazingly hot boyfriend Ryan.His brother keith was another one with face of that hot models from Milan.They were the hot duo of this college,the Spencer brothers.Keith was a year senior but his girlfriend Megan was in our year .Ryan was sitting beside me,his hand on my hand tracing circles,beautiful blue-green eyes on the board  at the words 'j'étudie en Berlin'.I couldn't concentrate on anything except thinking how those amazing hands were on me last night.The bell rang and as soon as it did i couldn't stop myself from kissing those plump pink soft lips.He kissed me back and we heard a few whistles and catcalls but soon it died since nobody likes to get on the bad side of this spencer.But something was off.Ryan pulled away from me first  and gave me a smile.But it was a stressed one i could tell."Is everything okay babe?"
Looking at me through the dark eyelashes he asked,"Shelly, i need to ask you something.You have to be honest with me ok?"OMG!Was he going to propose to me in an empty class?"Shelly!Are you ok?You dozed off",Ryan asked me with concerned eyes."Yes i am fine.Go on what did you need to say?""Sheldon,do you like someone else?Are you seeing someone?" Wait what?I was confused.I was in his bed last night and he is asking me this now."No,Ryan.Why would i see someone else when i have you?God , i love you Ryan," i said with exaperation but genuinity. Ryan's broad  shoulders became less tensed but  his dazzling eyes still had a  skeptical shade."I love you too shelly. I  am going to pick you up at 6 sharp ok.Be ready."
With that he stood up intertwining my  hands with  his and we left the room.Tonight was our date night .We started dating two years ago .He was my first and i have been dating him only.And deep down i knew he will be my last and final love.

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