chapter 3

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I was standing in front of my mirror in my ravishing black satin dress that could be said immodestly short. I had blonde hair and amber eyes like my father.People always said i had no resemblance with my mother who was a brunette with gorgeous blue eyes.Although Charles got her genes.Suddenly there was a knock on the door well Charles entered the room searching for his powerbank or whatever.He looked at me and smiled with adoration and said"Well you look killer sissy.Bet Ryan will be getting to his knees."Charles was Keith's best friend.They were in the same year."Well we'll see i guess," i said color rising to my cheeks.Suddenly my phone started ringing breaking my daze and when i saw, it was daniel.I ignored it for Ryan might be calling me at any time and i wanted this to be his night.Charles arched his brow and suddenly blurted out,"Are you cheating on Ryan?"
"What?No!I just cut the call so that Ryan doesnt find it busy."
"Exactly sheldon.Who the hell is this Daniel?i don't think i have seen him before,"Charles muttered with a furious blaze.
"That's because he isnt in our college and he doesn't live in this town."We met when i was 13 years old in the Jenson park.I fell of from the swing and he came towards me.He helped me get up and checked if i had any serious injuries.Since Charles was always busy with his friends and well i was a top rated introvert ,i didn't have that many friends.Daniel was older than me by a year.He looked at me with concern.He had the same blonde hair as mine and the same amber eyes. He asked me where i lived.Then he took me to my house and dropped me there but before he left,i couldnt stop myself from asking,"Will we meet again?"He smiled back at me with sincere adoration in his eyes and said ,"We definitely will".Since then i felt like we had a connection not in a romantic way but in an affectionate and sincere way.We met again when i was 17 year old. I went to Milk and Sugar ice cream shop.At first i didnt recognize him not until when i saw the amber eyes.It was after my school hours ended and i went to the shop to bring cookies for my mother's social elite friends.He looked different.He had broad chest and shoulders. His hair was tousled and long upfront but little on the sides.His face was more defined and he held a bit of freckles in his forenose.Maybe i didn't notice them before but it made him look more cute with his already handsome outlook.Flashing a dazzling smile,he asked,"Hey beautiful,how's it goin?it was not in a flirty but in a loving sort of way.It was not a good day for me so i said,"Like hell.""Wanna talk ?"he asked feigning corncern.None was there to talk .Charles was with keith."Sure,let's sit". I told him about my day at school and how much worse it was.He heard all about my bickering with patience and chuckled when i said something funny like Mr.Folder's ass looked like dented watermelons.It was already evening so he took a walk with me to my house and well dropped me again.This time i asked for his number and he typed it in my phone.After that whenever i felt sour or bored i talked to him and well he always listened and made me laugh.

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