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5 years later

"Mom i m going outside. See ya later."
Cameron called out before exiting the house and doing a fist bump with Jaden.  We were in northville in our house.
"Dont be out late son ."Cameron was 11 years old. He was gradually growing up just like his father -handsome and gorgeous.
"Mommy, i love you."
My 3 year old daughter Jenna was sitting in the breakfast table.
"Aww love you too. Who taught u that?"
"Nobody. Daddy says this to you everyday."

Ahh yes. After we got married Ryan and i became the same as we were in college. Like lovestruck teens. But he enjoyed the whole time of my pregnancy since he missed it before. And with his words it seems like we are going to have a lot more.
"Where is sweet jenna?" Ryan called out when he entered the house.
"Why are you not in office Ryan?" I asked being incredulous. He had shifted the spencer's main office in this city.
"Well couldn't stay away from you."
With that he gave me a lingering firm sweet and spicy kiss. Yumm. That completed my breakfast. He broke free when he spotted Jenna throwing her food away.
"Now now Jenna .Don't throw your food away."
With that he carried her to the kitchen to wash her up in his million dollar armani suit. Well he is trying to be the father he wanted  it seems he is pretty serious.

After a few days of our wedding and blissful honeymoon, Ryan took me back to Henskeyork not because he wanted but i insisted. I went to my house and confronted the hell outta my dad. Even charles was angry at him. My dad said nothing but asked with a broken tone about sarah if she was ok. Katherine was shocked to see it and she left the room crying . I gave a disbelieving look towards my dad. But later he told me he still had feelings for her and Daniel and he knew she was gonna hate him more if she saw me. That's why he lashed out at me that day. When i asked why falsely accused her of cheating he said it was because of katherine. She threatened to tell the media a few of his business scams. I couldn't believe he dropped his own son for fame.
I left him telling him that she was really happy to have her daughter back and that i loved Daniel with all my heart. Mr and Mrs spencer blessed us and told us they would be visiting soon. We came to northville and well here we were. Daniel and Ryan became partners and well that was quite a good decision for now we were the ranking companies in the world.

Later that evening

"C'mon now sit down everyone. I will take nancy and Jenna upstairs."Mom said out to everyone.
It was family dinner night . Nancy was Paige and Daniel's 3 year old daughter. Paige and i got pregnant the same time so yeah we had hella fun. Daniel and Paige got married a few months ago.
"Some crispy wine for you sweetheart,"Alex came towards me with a glass of wine. We took a sip at the same time and took in the scene around us. Daniel,Paul and Ryan were talking among themselves beside the pool. We were in our balcony. They shared a laugh when Jaden and Cameron said something to Ryan.


I looked up to see my beautiful wife staring at me with loving amber eyes. When i looked down i saw the two blue-green eyes staring at me and smirking mischievously. Well our son was more smarter than anyone of us ever give him credit for.
I ruffled his hair and went towards my wife who was now chatting with Alex.
"Hey babe. How are you doin?" I muttered in a funny southern tone. She laughed giddily .Well she was drunk. I looked back at Alex and he raised his hands up and left the scene.
I kissed my wife and together we looked back towards our son. Life couldn't get any better now that we were together.

The end

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