chapter 14

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The party was guzzling with the most powerful people in arena of business.But it was a shock to see that Paul Hastings was not a 50 year old guy but a 27 year old like my brother.

I was sitting under this big chandeliar with Megan and keith on my right and Charles salvatore on my left.
"Spencer brothers are here!," Paul exclaimed boisterously.He had sandy blonde hair and brown eyes.
"So how's it going Ryan? And congratulations guys on your newest success."
"Why thank you Paul. I see you invited a lot of investors ",keith said out loud amused.
Everybody knew Paul's party was the attraction center for investors.Any businessman could land a good deal of investors in their pocket here.
"Well actually i ... Hey McAllister come over here. You guys should meet him. He is an amazing friend of mine."
Didnt know they were good friends.Now thats two prey with one stone.

"Here everyone meet Daniel McAllister. He is the CEO of the number one company right now." The guy had blonde hair and amber eyes. Just like her.
"Hello everyone, nice to meet you all. Hope you are enjoying this evening."
"Oh come on baby!Do another hot intro of yours." Wait what did i just hear?
"Seriously shut up Paul",Daniel was chuckling. I saw Megan laughing and eyeing Daniel and keith noticed that too  for he bit her ear from the side. Well Daniel was a good looking man no doubt. But there was something....
"Uncle Daniel!! "
Two kids were standing beside our table .Both of them had blonde hair.
"Can i please go to cameron's place now dad ?"  one of them asked Paul.
"Course you can ,Jaden",Daniel said smiling at them."You know it's your own." Both of the kids were smiling at Daniel with gapped tooths.
"But don't break the penthouse. You know mommy gets mad,"Daniel said to the other kid who was probably Cameron.
"Yeah uncle Daniel dont worry. We are just gonna break a few vase thats it". Then both of them broke for a run laughing.
"Your sister will kill us both for leaving those two with a car and house keys", Paul muttered smirking and trying to act like intimidated.
"What is your connection with Cameron,Daniel?" Megan asked Daniel. Guess she's a bit more interested in him than my brother tonight.
"Well she's my sister's son. She is gonna be here within a few minutes with her business partner", Daniel said with a glint of pride and affection. Well looks like he really loves his sister unlike charles who never cared to look at sheldon.
"Ahh speak of the queen. There she is," Paul said smiling.
We all craned our necks to look toward the entrance. But what i saw next was something i never expected.
It was sheldon with Alexander Holden ,the business tycoon, looking like a fucking sexy doll and dazzingly gorgeous. Most of the people greeted her. "SHELLY BABY", Paul called out. She turned right towards our  table but her smile disappeard as soon as her eyes found me. That's right. A hell lotta explanation are expected.

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