chapter 9

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I was lying in this rock hard bed of the hospital (stupid asylum).They  seriously thought i am suffering from schizophrenia.
Everyone turned their back to me.But it hurt the worst when they didn't even let me meet Ryan.
It has been a week since the morning after they dropped me here in Derline Hospital. I couldn't believe what happened today morning.I never expected father to lash out at me like that.God it was my freaking brother  who told them that i had been seeing someone and that this someone was no one.Even he had convinced Keith and Megan the same thing.Although i could tell when he told Ryan he musn't have believed it at all.

The nurse entered the room for what like 100 th tim to check up on me.Back off lady,there is no place for me to escape anyway.The Hospital was situated between Henskeyork and Coopertown in a remote place i didn't even know existed.The nurse lady gave me some pills and made me choke them down my throat.Well hell. Those were sleeping pills. After staring at the ceiling for an infinite time, my eyes started feeling heavy and i fell asleep.

"Pssst!wake up "somebody was shaking me.I felt like an earthquake was happening so i bolt upright and got hit by something and my forehead was throbbing from the pain.Shit!
Opening my eyes i felt like i was looking at my eyes.But wait!why do the eyebrows look so thick?
"Sheldon,are you ok?sorry you bumped into my forehead".
I know that voice."Daniel!? are you here?"
"To take you out fron here.Now get up.I already grabbed your bag from the baggage room downstairs."
I got up from the bed and followed Daniel outside.It was dark and there wa no one.Suspicious.There was supposed to be someone here.
"Isn't there anyone up here?"
"There was.But not anymore,"Daniel replied with a glint of mischief.
We took the fire exit and got out of the building.A black SUV was standing silently.Daniel opened the door for me and went to the back to keep my suitcase in the bonnet.I crept inside only to scream like an idiot when i sat on the lap of i dont know what.
The i-don't-know-what clamped his/her hands on my mouth and whispered in my ear"Shhh...Do you want to get caught or something?"
I looked at my side to see two pair of glinting eyes looking at me.It was a man.I could barely make his outline in the dark.But he had defined  cheekbones and a strong jaw.It reminded me of Ryan and i hurriedly climbed off his lap on the other seat.
"Is everything ok?i heard you shrieking sheldon,"Daniel asked sitting behing the driver's wheels.
"Except a hot girl sitting on my lap suddenly,everything is fine".The i-don't-know-who guy said smirking.
"Shut up Alex or i will throw you out here",Daniel muttered furiously. "Sheldon relax, had to drag him here for keeping those freaking staff away". Oh  so he was helping Daniel.
"Ok ok chill !i know she is your sister.i won't make a move so fast",Alex said laughing.
Did .
He .
Just .
I became stunned.Like a mannequin.
"You just can't keep your mouth shut,can you?Dammit Alex."Daniel shouted.
"Wait you didn't tell her yet?why?oh shit!The alarm man! Its ringing my ear off".
The alarm of the asylum went off since somebody must have figured out my bed was empty.Daniel revved the engine to life and started driving.

I was still stunned but the ambulance sirens swapped me back to reality and when i looked back i saw an ambulance right coming behind us.Great my freedom will be gone before it is given to me.
"Take a left from the stop sign.Don't stop the car.It will lead us to a shortcut  route to coopertown."Alex kept babbling till Daniel (my brother) took a left turn.
Just as soon as we took a turned,we entered another exit on the right side.It was a narrow road.Daniel slowed the car to a halt and we saw the ambulance after a few moments going on the other side.All of us left a sigh that we didn't realize we were holding.
But my sigh hitched when i remembered what Alex said and i crossed the gear box and sat on the passenger side of driver.
Daniel left another long sigh and looked at me.I noticed that he became thinner than the last time i saw him.
"I will explain you everything once we get back to Coopertown.But sheldon,once you go back there,you have to be with us.Do you want to be with us ,with me and Alex?"
Do i want to?yes.But my parents?what about the world i left behind ?Isn't this what i wanted?To be with people who cared to be with me?To let my presence known?But what about ryan? I glanced up to see Daniel looking at me with hopeful eyes. I needed to know the truth.
"Yes."i said firmly.

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