01 ✰

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note : Before we start the chapter... Chapter one 1 and chapter 2 will show each perspective in each cities.

📍City Of Calyx

A brand new day for the posh kids in Calyx, During the morning's the school gives them the most delicious meals. Like seasoned poached egg, Toast with parsley butter, Caesar Salad, Belgium Waffles and the list go on.

Students will eat breakfast from 6:30 - 7:30 Am until their first period begins. After they attended the first few subjects of the day. Lunch is served at the outside garden.Students enjoy the fresh air while eating their expensive lunches.

Then they resume classes and by 7:00 its dinner before its lights off.

Everyone heads to the dining hall and get served the same meal with everyone. Monday's Stake with cashew nuts, Tuesday beef burgers imported from another country, Wednesday pasta with garlic bread, Thursday nido soup with sour creme potatoes and for Friday they have baby back ribs with potato fries.

This happens for 10 months every school year.. Well today is different... Every three years a university on an island separating the two economy's invites 10 students from each side to come and be part of their school.

This is to keep the peace treaty between two sides. But boundaries were set between them and to know their differences. Lets see how the lucky chosen students are doing...

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📍Choi Mansion

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I stretched my arms and stopped my alarm from going off. My head hurts after that party my dad threw for his birthday. Why do we have to celebrate everything?

I got off my bed and went downstairs for breakfast. Lisa(not the idol)is our maid who has been with us for a very long time now so as with her husband Nam who has been working for our family.

"Good morning Sir. Choi had a good sleep?" Lisa placed down a stack of golden pancakes in front of me as my eyes adjust to the plate.

"You don't have to call me Sir. Choi Lisa you can call me Soobin for the thousand time" I chuckled putting on my dining napkin so the food wouldn't spill around my clothes.

"Your father wouldn't like that" She replied pouring orange juice into a glass cup.

"Thank you Lisa" I wiped my mouth and drank the orange juice she placed beside my plate.

"Done so quickly?"She looked at me surprised before shifting her gaze to the plate.

"Mhm my dad called my to go somewhere in Calyx or something"I answered standing up

"Okay Si- i mean Soobin" She stuttered and stacked the dirty dishes up.

I went to the garage as our driver Nam, Lisa's husband was waiting inside the car for me already.

"Morning Sir" He bowed

"Good Morning Nam" I bowed back to be polite.

"Your father is waiting for you"He said as i nodded.

During the ride to the place i was kinda confused why my dad ordered me to come there.. Is it because i turned down another girl that he told me to date? Come on i don't need a girl who looks pretty but has a bad attitude...

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