23 ✰

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📍Forthwith University, 8:30 PM

After a long tiring day of games and activities the Posh and Pauper's went back to their guest cabins to rest for the second day of family day tomorrow.

"My legs i can't even feel them" Hueningkai touched his legs tired.

"hI mY vOiCe" Taehyun touched his throat that was getting crackly.

Taehyun has been cheering all day long and also has been doing a lot of interviews making his throat sore.

"Ngeh I'm fine" Beomgyu scrolled through their tv finding something to watch.

"Because you didn't do anything today" Huening Kai reached for the chips beside his bed.

"I did excuse me.. i handed out water.."Beomgyu answered continuing to move from one movie to the next.

"Why did you skip the fun activities today? You should have seen the Schumann's face when they lost boat racing" Taehyun sat beside him.

"She's like about to break down crying" Huening Kai chuckled mocking Bebe's crying face.

"You better join the games tomorrow! Since the day after that is the talent show!" Kai exclaimed.

"Its F - A - M - I - L - Y Day and i don't have any relatives here"Beomgyu replied simply.

"Who said family is only consisted relatives? Family is somewhere or someone you feel at home, comfortable,trusted and accepted for who you are and isn't scared to correct your wrong doings because they love you" Taehyun explained.

"Yeah your part of our cool dudes and dudettes family" Kai smiled jumping to Beomgyu's bed who was beside his.

"So your going to join tomorrow?" Taehyun raised his brow.

"I don't know about that.." Beomgyu scratched his head.

"You better.. Now what movie are we going to watch?"Taehyun asked as they bicker which movie they'll finally pick and play.

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Meanwhile on the other side of the door..

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Ryujin and Yuna was walking towards their living quarters coming from the pamper rooms.

"This year is Pauper's year i could feel it" Ryujin said.

"How can you be sure Ryujin? Your no fortune teller unless you are?" Yuna looked at her.

"Since i have the power of looking into the future" Ryujin sarcastically said.

"Um.. Okay?"

"Also i see those eyes" Ryujin pointed to Yuna's eyes using her fingers.

"What eyes?"

"Do you have any eyes except your head idiot?" Ryujin crossed her arms while looking at her blankly.

"Anyways.. i see those eyes of yours looking at..."Ryujin added

"Looking at what?"

"Hueningkaiiiiii" Ryujin nudged the younger's shoulder.

"No i'm not.. what made you say that?" Yuna knitted her brows.

"The denial... i can feel it don't even try to cover up child"Ryujin patted Yuna's back.

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