17 ✰

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📍Forthwith University
3:20 PM, Sunday

It was a Sunday and the students were just chilling around the campus. While the others went to town, Yeji and Yeonjun called a 'Meeting' at the outdoor tables.

"What is it so important that we have to pause our game of pits?" Beomgyu arrived with Huening Kai.

PITS is a virtual game of shooting and looting stuff until they Tip. A tip is like a win for the players and gives them like points and levels them up.

"So.. since the family talent show is coming up, Me and Yeji thought of an idea.." Yeonjun said.

"By that he means.. i thought of an idea" Yeji crossed her arms while looking at them.

"And what is your idea?" Soobin raised his brow.

"I'm getting to that Soobin" She faced the boy and the rest who was still not getting what is this meeting about. 

"How about we do a group dance?" Yeji smiled.

"Isn't that too much effort?" Ryujin sipped her punch.

"I can dance but, i don't want to as said too much effort"Lia adjusted her seat.

"Ooh that sounds fun i'm in" Yuna raised her hands.

"If your joining i am" Kai raised his hand too.

"Even though it sounds great.. Me and Chae have to do newspaper stuff.." Taehyun scratched his head.

"You have other club members right? So why can't they do it" Yeji thought.

"Yeah but we have assigned parts, and we usually take pictures and interview"Chaeryeong answered.

"But we can help with the music, Chae has a great playlist" Taehyun smiled at the girl.

"Okay then.. Who else is joining?" Yeonjun looked at them.

"I'll join" Soobin raised his hand.

"If Ryujin does i'll join" Beomgyu answered as Ryujin dropped the chip she's eating.

"Girl no" Ryujin answered.

"GIRL YAS!" Beomgyu said as Ryujin threw chips across the table showering him with Doritos.

"I have a brilliant idea, how about the others who doesn't want to dance can sing while the others dance?" Soobin suggested.

"Great idea" Yeonjun snapped his fingers agreeing with Soobin's idea.

"In that case i'm joining singing is my forte" Lia raised her hand.

"So shall we start rehearsing then?"

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📍School Field
Tuesday, 4:20 Pm

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"What song are we using?" Yeji scrolled through her phone searching for a song.

"How about this" Hueningkai snatched the girl's phone

He searched up something and played a hard metal music.."What the— WHAT IS THIS?" Beomgyu screamed covering his ears.

"MUSIC BEOMGYU! MUSIC!" Hueningkai shouted through the loud sound.

Yeji took back her phone and stopped the loud sound. "That sounds like rubbish no offense Kai.."

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