22 ✰

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As they chattering with their family catching up with each others life suddenly another boat came... it looks elegant, new and very up to date. It looks like the Posh's boat but bigger and better.

"Woah.. Who could that be.." One student whispered.

"It looks surreal" Another one said.

"We aren't expecting another boat.. Wane" Headmistress Denise looked at him.

"Hmm.. The lighthouse didn't inform us about this boat.." Wane looked at his clipboard.

"P.O.R? What could that stand for?" Yuna scratched her head.

"By the look of the boat.. and that lady standing in front its Pristine Olivia Reynalds.. Your mighty leader's full name" Taehyun replied.

"More like pristine oily rat" Yeji rolled her eyes.

"I'm so sorry but..her face does looks like a rat and its oily too.. Ew.." Soobin flinched in disgust.

The yacht docked as several body guards and maids brought out luggage's. Everyone silently watched the personnel carry things out the yacht. "What an entrance..." Arnold crossed his arms.

Pristine walked down the boat making an entrance with her secretary's. They handed her this megaphone as she turned it on"Hello Forthwith"

"I'm pleasured to be invited to be a judge for the upcoming family day talent show" She added as Headmistress Denise walked to her.

"Thank you.. Um Pristine, Please do enjoy your stay here in Forthwith" Headmistress Denise said in a calm tone as Pristine closed her megaphone.

"Oh i will Denise darling, please be a dear and carry these for me" Pristine threw a heavy bag into Headmistress Denise's hand as the lady struggled to carry it.

"Sooo who's up for a group tour?" Lia smiled looking at her parents and her friends.

• ~ ✰ ~ •

"And here is the main hall where we all have announcements given by Headmistress Denise" Yeji opened the door revealing a big room.

"Woah.. This looks epic" Sangsoo, Yeonjun's little brother widen his eyes.

"Oh also we prepared some welcome gifts for everyone" Lia added.

"Its inside your rooms we placed them before anyone arrived" Chaeryeong smiled.

"Posh and Pauper's family please head into your guest cabins and rest for later"

"Forthwith's three day family is about to begin, Team t-shirts will be delivered to you door's for you to weat thank you" An announcement went through the speaker.

"We'll i'll see you at lunch Kai" His mom patted his shoulder.

"Bye" He waved as their families left to go to the guest cabins besides the school.

"What should we do first?check the field? Snoop around?" Yeonjun asked.

"Find where Beomgyu is" Taehyun answered.

"I didn't even realized that he was missing, no wonder i didn't hear a corny joke today" Ryujin scratched her head.

"We're not allowed to go check the field yet since they are busy fixing it up for family day" Yeji replied.

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