18 ✰

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📍Detrixt, President's office

"Sir Ms. Pristine is here to have a word with you" A girl entered the office.

"Pristine? R-right? Now?" Arnold stuttered.

"Yes, should i let her in?"

"Y-yes let her come in"

The secretary left and opened the door for Pristine. Arnold stood there as the lady walked towards him and removed her shades.

"Hello.. Pri" Arnold greeted.

"Long time no see.. Arnie.. or may i say Arnold"

"What brings you here? Finally realized that no one is above another" The guy chuckled.

"No... I'm here for business"

"If this is another 'i'm going to buy detrixt' meeting forget about it Pri" Arnold rolled his eyes.

"I'm not going to buy this poor city Arnold.. I'm offering you a deal"

"What deal?"

"Give me some of your land so i can finish the resort and you and your pesky peasant people can get promoted for their jobs"She said with confidence as Arnold laughed.

"The last time we had a deal you cheated" He pointed at her.

"Oh come on Arnold that was years ago" Pristine waved her hands.

"I don't care, i don't care, i don't care did i mention that i don't care?" He raised his brow before walking away from her.

"Now isn't that unfortunate.. i brought some gifts" Pristine clapped her hands as her helpers entered and brought in food.

Some imported cheese.. Expensive food.. Designer clothing that no one can afford in Detrixt and more. It was a big give away and also a big help for Detrixt.

"So are you in?" Pristine asked with a sneaky smirk.

"No and never"Arnold replied.

"I'll add 20 million with the gifts"

"I don't need your stolen money from taxes" Arnold narrowed his eyes.

"50 million"

"No! Now get out of my office please!"

"150 million take it or leave it"

"I'll leave it, now please get out" Arnold pointed at the door annoyed with Pristine.

Pristine left with her extravagant gifts as Arnold sighed taking a seat at his chair. Arnold only wanted the best for Detrixt and treated everyone equally.. He believes there is still hope in getting both economy's together again.

But it will only happen if Pristine realizes her mistakes. And that the rich and the poor was treated equally and no one should get amongst the others."Why do got to be so selfish and mean" Arnold rolled his eyes.

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