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"Mianhae... Hyung mianhae...."

A few big droplets fell from Seokjin's eyes as he say his last few words. Seokjin has make up his mind. He has make a decision. The decision to leave his 6 precious brother that may lead to regret. Without a second thought or someone to hold him back.... he lets out his last breath.













It has been a week since Jin-hyung left. He left without telling anything. Why? Why must someone be so selfless? I hate you Jin-hyung... We miss you. We need you....

"Namjoon..." Hobeom came in from the door of Namjoon room which caught his attention. "Here." he lend Namjoon a black case.

"Wh-" "It's Seokjin's things." He was taken back. "I know I shouldn't give you this but, I know that you are the closes to him." He gives him a reasure smile.

"Ah, and one more thing...." He pull out something from his jacket pocket. Letters. Don't tell me....

"They found this in his wallet." he continue. "I suppose this is for all of you." Namjoon was speechless. With that Hobeom left him alone in his thought.

Namjoon eyes just stared blankly at the letters that later land on the case. He gently open it scare that it might make him breakdown.

And that did happen after he saw the things inside the black case. A white wool shirt, black jeans and all Seokjin's small belongings. He cried as he remember the morning of the incident day.


"Hyuung?" Namjoon opened the door of his oldest member bedroom slowly, scared that the latter might get surprise.

"Oh, Joonie... Are you going already?" Seokjin sniffles as he say the last word. "Hyung, you okay? Did you cry? Is something bothering you?" Namjoon ask while walking towards the elder and soon sat beside him.

Seokjin look at Namjoon in the eye. "It's a lie if I say nothing but.... It's ok I guess?" Seokjin give him a small smile. "You guess? You know you can tell me right?"

"I know but the pain will vanish soon. Don't worry about me. Just go to your studio. I will be fine." Again he gives him a smile but Seokjin know it's a fake one.

"Namjoon-ah let's go!" the main rapper of the group shouts from the front door."I'm coming Yoongi Hyung!!" Namjoon look at the male in front of him again with a smile. "Hyung I will be going now. I will call you after we arrive there." he give a hug to Seokjin before leaving the latter."Be careful on your way there! Bye! Love you!" " We love you too hyung!"

Little did he know that it will be the last goodbye to his selfless hyung.......


Namjoon cries with all his heart out while hugging his oldest hyung last shirt that had already be stained with blood.

"Why hyung? Why?!" Namjoon can't hold back anymore. He fails to be a strong leader and a brother for the members. He want his hyung back. He miss him. "You said you love us, then why did you leave us?! How selfish of you to leave us like this."

With all the crying mess that Namjoon had that night, he ended up with sleeping while hugging the stained shirt. Missing the latter.


sorry for all the grammar mistakes cause English is not my first language and thanks for reading......

Love you and stay healthy

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Love you and stay healthy..... 💜 Bye!!

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