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Seokjin take a few step back from the bench and bow, not making any eye contact at the camera. He doesn't care if the wet grass will ruined his shirt nor cardigan.

His shoulder shake as he start to cry on the wet ground. All the members heart broke, crying silently except Jimin who is already crying pool of tears. Seokjin look so vulnerable, alone and cold. All of them want to run there and give the warmth that the eldest deserve. But they can't.

Slowly he start to stand up and wipe all the tears and dirt before he went back to the camera. He take it and show the stars.

He sniff before he says, "It's beautiful isn't it?" while showing the dark sky. "I hope I can enjoy this view for the last time with you guys. It will be in my list-to-do for now. "

And it did happen. Two days before the day he had insist all of them to follow him as it was their day off. He had take them to the Han River to enjoy the beautiful night scenery. They went there pretty late as there are not so many people there.

Of course they went after telling their manager. Sejin gave them 30 minutes or 1 hour is the longest time they can stay. But being the brat they are, they stay there for two hours.


"Uwah... This is daebak isn't it?" Jungkook said as he looks up at the sky while his head laying on Seokjin lap. It's been a few months since they had a time like this. A very relaxing moment with nature surrounding them, no practising, no loud music, just them with mother earth.

They are currently camping at the Han River, enjoying the night view that had been created beautifully on the sky. The cold wind make their hair dance gracefully along with the green grass.

"Yup it is." the second oldest of the group close his eyes right after he said the three letters.

Seokjin was looking around him, looking at all of his belove members. "It is beautiful. Very very beautiful.... And I'm going to miss it." he whispered at the last sentence. He really really hope that he can stay longer but he can't. He have to go. If that will make their burden lighter than he willingly will go there as fast as he can which was two days from now.

Without even he realized it, a tear had slipped from his eye. Jungkook which was laying on his lap caught him.

"Hyuunggg... Why are you crying?" he sit up and asked the older softly. Looking at Jin crying made his heart broke. It was rare for the other to cry suddenly.

With the words slipped from the maknae mouth, all of them turn their heads towards the oldest. Even Yoongi waked up.

"Auh... Nothing. It just the dust." he fake a small laugh." "Waee...... Tell me. You know I will hear everything right? We all will." Jungkook said in a pleading voice. He notices that this couple few days his hyung look upset, so he want to try to comfort him.

"I told you it's nothing. It just... We have been so busy this past few month that we don't even have time for ourself. And I feel bad about it." Jin.

"Why woul-" Jimin

"Because I can do nothing about it. You guys work so hard and I don't even do anything to help all of you. You guys must be tired... I'm a really bad hyung aren't I?" Jin said not looking at the members.

"Why would you say that? You are the best hyung we could ever ask for." Taehyung.

"Funny." Jin said scoffing to himself.

"It's not!" Taehyung said while looking at Jin with an angry face.

"Man relax. Don't be too serious." Jin make a pouty face.

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