1st Letter: Yoongi

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After I take the letter I went straight to my room to take the scarf and cap getting ready to go to my studio. I had planned to go there for my time alone, avoiding the others.

I open the door of my studio to be welcome by the darkness. I then went straight to the nearby couch after turning on the light, reaching for the warmness before composing my song.

After 45 minutes into the composing I start to lost my focus. 'Should I read the letter now?' I ask myself. Maybe I should. I went back to sit at the couch before. With deep inhale I open the letter. 

Dear Yoongi,

It's me... Jin. I know you must really hate me now. But you know what? Congratulations!! You are the oldest now. I'm so sorry for giving you more burden by becoming you the oldest one. Well back to the real topic. The reason I am writing this is to tell you to take care of the members and yourself cause I can't tell you guys anymore. Please sleep at your room and not the studio. The bed is more comfortable you know? I sometimes sleep on you bed when you are at the studio. Sorry if you are mad at me but I can't help it.... Hehehe... Also if you think that it's too lonely to sleep in that room let Jungkook be your roommate. But of course he can't beat me cause I'm your best roommate. Right?

And don't push yourself to hard. It make me sad. Always remember to stock the food at the kitchen. I will inform Jimin to help you at the kitchen since he also know how to cook. Don't let Namjoon came near the kitchen when you are cooking. I swear you will regret it later. *windshield laugh* . And don't you dare to skip meal, if you did I will come to your studio and haunt you. And again I am really sorry for leaving all of you. I LOVE YOU!!!!

Your Only / Best Brother,
Jin 💜

Yoongi close his eyes to stop tears from falling as he curse. “Fuck you Jin-hyung. I hate you. I miss you. I really really miss you so much. We all do.”

Bzzzz.. Bzzzz.. Bzzzz..

Before he can talk more, his phone has interrupt him meaning someone is calling him.....


Hope you enjoy and sorry for all the grammar mistakes

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Hope you enjoy and sorry for all the grammar mistakes... 💜

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