5th Letter: Jungkook

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Hyung it's been a week without you. It is really lonely for me here and I really really miss you hyung. I miss your warmth when I hug you, your childish behavior when we play together and your great cook.

I miss all of our time together hyung. Don't you miss it? Why do you leave us so suddenly? Are we a burden to you hyung?  If we are I am sorry hyung. I wish I could turn back time and make you change your mind so we can still be together now.

If you are still here I think I would already be on your warmth bed, taking picture to post it to you. I really miss our old days together hyung, bothering each other not bothered by the surrounding.

I really want to read your letter.... but I'm scared. Knowing that it will be our last talk together..... I am scare. Really scare. I want to talk more with you hyung. But sadly I can't and I have to take the fact that it will be your last words to me. And here I am braving myself in my room reading your last words to me.

Dear Jungkook,

Hey yo JK! Aigoo our maknae you are big already. You are a full grown man. How can time fly so fast. I still remember your big eyes looking at me. How I miss the old days.

Kookie-ah, it's ok. Hyung is okay, it's just.....  It's just hard for me lately and I can't do it anymore. I am really tired. Hyung is really sorry for leaving you.
About my lost, it has nothing connect to all of you it's just me, myself. I am sorry that I can't be strong to all of you. But.... can you do it for me?

Can you be strong for me Kookie. I know it's selfish for me to ask you a request, but it is for the best. I hope you can be strong for me and help the others. And you also need a help for yourself if you in trouble.

I told you to be strong but it doesn't mean that you always has to be. If anything is bothering you, don't bother to go to your 5 crackhead brothers. I promise that they can help you with all your problems. Take care of your health and don't push yourself to hard.

Our golden maknae... Don't forget that HYUNG ALWAYS LOVE YOU!!!!

Your Most Handsome Brother,
Jin 💜

I put the letter back in the drawer beside me, as a salty water rolls down on my cheek. I hope you are happy there hyung. I promise to take care of the others while you are resting up there. And promise me that we will meet again in our next life. Anyeong, wait for me there. Again a tears fell as he smile.



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(Hope you enjoy and sorry for all thegrammar mistakes

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(Hope you enjoy and sorry for all the
grammar mistakes. I purple you💜)

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