6th Letter: Namjoon

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Burn it all
Bow wow wow

(Fire)  The scared, this way
(Fire)  The miserable, this way
(Fire)  With your fist up,
                          all night long

(Fire) In marching footsteps
(Fire) Jump, go crazy

The song echoed through my ears as I open it from my phone, connected through my earphones. Listening all the old songs with your voice in it make me more missing you hyung.

Even though the reason I hear all our energetic song is to make me less miss you. But it doesn't work because at last, I miss you more than before.

The word 'I miss you' can't even describe how much I miss you. Day by day pass like nothing happen. But little did you know everyday feel like hell for everybody in this house hyung.

It just like a bird without its wings. Without you everything feel useless hyung. Our day is not as same as before. Before, we just a stranger that later become an idol.

Everyday we spent by practicing so that we can show our best side on the stage. Laughing, playing, talk with each other, pranking......

Now..... It's only been filled with crying, eating, sleep, crying again, eating again, and sleep again. The cycle has been continue everyday.

It is making me worry hyung. Each day everyone will have a swollen eyes coming out of their room. If this continue I know that one of them will get sick and I don't want it.

Your usually warm bed that's like a trampoline to everyone now has also lost it warmth, as everyone scared that they might break down once they touch it. Because we miss you.

And now her I am on your bed, questioning myself. Should I read it?

Of course I want to read it but can I hold myself from breaking down? I don't want to cry as I am the leader and I should be strong for the others.

Selfless? I learn it from you, so don't be mad at me.

Ready or not here I go.......

Dear Namjoon,

Thank you....

That's the first thing I want to tell you. Thank you for all the time that you had helped me. Thank you for being a great leader to me. I really appreciate it.

Time fly so fast, huh? Looking back, I really miss the old days where we just a youngster catching up our dream. I'm sorry. For everything.

For being childish, immature. For being a big burden. For being so selfish. For being a bad singer. For being a bad dancer. For being the bad oldest brother. For everything......

I'm so so sorry. I hope you forgive this big dumb brother of you. You forgive me right? If not I would be really sad up here.

Cheer up! Don't pull that long face of you. Continue to be the greatest leader. I trust you. You can take care of the others for me right?

Take care of yourself too. I don't like to see you sick. And.... DONT! LOST! YOUR! PASSPORT! AGAIN! the last time you lost your passport it was really lonely for the guys. There is no team without the leader so anywhere, everywhere they go you should be there too.

This is getting longer aren't it? I should end now. Don't you ever dreaming going near the kitchen again. Your last magic show have already suprise me.

Take care! Don't stay too late composing in the studio. It's not good for your health. Bye! And.....

Your Hyung,
Jin 💜

I love you too hyung. Without I even realise a salty liquid fell from my eyes. Heck, we miss you so much    Jin-hyung.

As I folded the paper I saw a writing at the back of it.

~open the second drawer~

Once I open it I found a CD that had been nicely wrap with a plastic that write

“Surprise?” I think again as I figured what it is before I call Yoongi hyung.



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(Hope you enjoy and sorry for all the grammar mistakes ~💜)

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(Hope you enjoy and sorry for all the grammar mistakes ~💜)

Please comment~💜😭
Let's wait 4 BTS together!

A/N: remember when Namjoon burn the pan but not the food? that's what I mean by the last magic... 😂😂😂😂

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