2nd Letter: Hoseok

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The wind was cold tonight. Very cold even after I put on my jacket. My current location is at the garden. A very beautiful and colorful garden.

But after the incident, some of the flower had withered as the cause of  lacking water. The garden was actually belong to Jin-hyung. He was actually plan to farming but because of BTS schedule is pretty tight he change it to planting some flowers.

There I see the oldest favourite, White Lily. I was actually amused at the flower because it was still standing tall beside all the withered flowers.

“Are you waiting for your owner?” Hoseok look at the white flower with sorrowful eyes. “I'm sorry but he will not comeback. He is-”

The dancer look at his hands on the lap, shaking. “He is gon-ne. Jin-hyung i-is gone a-nd he will never comeback.” A sob can be heard at the peaceful garden.

'I should read the letter now.... ' Hoseok take out the letter from his jacket that he wear. With shaky hand he open the letter.....

Dear Hoseok,

Sunshine of hope.....  Ohhh I kinda like it but, I also like The dancing of the sunshine and hope. Nah I guess it's too long to call you by that. Let just go with the first one.

Our sunshine of hope, thank you for your bright smile that I have to wear this sunglasses while writing because your name bright so bright that it almost make me blind. Always keep your smile on you because it really can make anyone melt with it. I really like it.

I'm also here to ask you for a help. I know you have been watching me taking care of the garden since it was still a seed. So here I am giving the garden to you to take a good care of it. I am really sorry for asking your help through a letter. I know it's rude but please take care of it for me.

I know you secretly like the garden from a far so it's the best to give it to you. And since you a flower yourself it really suits you. If you are reading this letter at the garden that it really a coincidence.

I also want to say sorry for all of my mistakes in dancing that make you mad. I am really really REALLY sorry. I hope I can dance and make you proud but my body just resist all the moves.

You know what make me happy when I'm with you Hobi? When I am dancing and you smile at me saying 'Good job Jin-hyung. I am really proud of you' while clapping your hands. It really change my mood to keep dancing because of your compliments. Keep dancing even you are old like me....

Lastly, I really want to thank you for being the greatest sun while I'm being the greatest moon when I'm still alive. But now I'm not so please.... Please take care of the others when I'm not there. If you miss me just look at the White Lily at daytime and The Moon at night. Promise me too keep smiling  Hobi-ah. I LOVE YOU!!!!

Your Brightest Moon,
Jin 💜

Hoseok cry and smile as he look at the moon. It really shine bright that night.

“I promise you Jin-hyung....
I promise....”


Hope you enjoy and sorry for all the grammar mistakes

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Hope you enjoy and sorry for all the grammar mistakes. I purple you ~💜

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