3rd Letter: Jimin

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I was now in my and Hoseok sharing room. It was pretty quiet in the dorm beside the television sound that was being watch by no one.

I don't like it. Everyone is upset of the losing you Jin-hyung. No one is smiling, laughing or even talking to each other. The usually noisy family is now already breaking down.

And I.... I really miss you Jin-hyung. I miss to watch your Eat Jin channel. I miss your weird laughing sound echoed through the house. I miss your cooking. I miss your endless bickering with us. I miss your positive words. I just miss you, hyung. I really do. No. We really do.

"Hyung. I'm going to read your letter now. Wish me luck to not crying." with heavy heart I open the letter.

Dear Jimin,

My angelic mochi, thanks for all the happy times when you are with me. I really really appreciate it.

Don't push your body to hard with all the dieting. You are already beautiful as who you are. Everybody love your beautiful features now. We really appreciate you for being yourself.

Always love yourself Jimin-ah. I hate the fact that you always crying at night alone. You know it really pained my heart to see you crying. If something is bothering you just tell it to the members. They are your family, they will understand you.

Remember! Don't ever skip meals. Even if you want to diet, eat something at least. Help Yoongi at the kitchen when I'm not there. I had already inform Yoongi to not let the destruction monster came near.

Do you remember our last Vlive together? I really had fun that night with you. I still remember when we get over a milion view and likes but you insist that I'm the who make it. But for me, I think we got it together. I miss that moment so much. I miss your angel smile.

Before I end it, I want you to take care of the maknae line for me mochi-ah. I know you and Taehyung is friend but seeing you taking care of them so well, I know you are the best I can rely to. Jimin-ah promise me to keep them as happy as you are. HYUNG LOVE YOU!!!!

Your Lovely Brother,
Jin 💜

"Hyung.... I think I just lost. I cried." Jimin said smiling at the name on the latter. "But... I promise to be happy for the other for you. Just wait and see." he close the paper and care it. "You'll see."


(Hope you enjoy and sorry for all the grammar mistakes ~💜)

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(Hope you enjoy and sorry for all the grammar mistakes ~💜)

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