A Video

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5 minutes. It has been exactly 5 minutes since they all gather up in front of the television, waiting to watch the video.

To say they are scare is an understatement. They will be watching a video that was make for them from their oldest hyung that had left them a week ago.

All of them is looking forward for the video, thinking what would the older say in his last video. Is he sorry? Is he mad? Did they disappoint him? Did they do something wrong?

All of the thought made them worried more. If they really did make something wrong then they would never ever gonna forgive themselves.

"Are you guys ready?" the leader words wake them up from their own thoughts.

Like a group of parrot, all of them nod not looking at the leader but at the big screen in front of them.

With his big hand, Namjoon press the remote control, play button with his thumb.

Why is the camera not working...?! They can hear the whine of the oldest coming from the black screen. Yah! Do you want to get a smack from me?! You ungrate- Oh! It's working! It's working! They camera is shaking as Seokjin jump.

Oh... Ahem! Ahem! Seokjin cleared his throat and look at the camera. Hi.... It's your hyung. Jin-hyung is here.

The smile. They all miss the cute smile that form on the oldest lips. How they miss to speak and laugh with him.

You must be wondering where am I right? They all nod in tiny knowing that Seokjin will never see it.

I am at the park. And its currently 2 freaking in the morning. I am a legend right? I know... I know I am. He smiles at the camera. Mianhae, it's the only way to not get caught by you guys...

But hey! It's not my fault that you guys always follow me around asking every question that could exist in this world! So don't be mad! I am just trying to be sneaky for once! Okay?!

They all smile at the singer. Its has been awhile since they hear the older rap when he is mad. And they loved and missed it.

Seokjin stop talking before he sigh and look at the camera, smile as widely ask he can. How are you guys doing? He ask softly. I believe if you guys are watching this video then.... t-then it means that I didn't did it. Right?

Despite the fact that he know about his condition now, he still smile lively at the end of his word. Trying to reassure them although he's not there anymore. They are still his priority after all.

He then put the camera on the bench trying to record himself. He bend and look at the camera saying, Firstly I want to apologize from the deep bottom of my heart....

The members broke at all the words that the elder is saying but the next scene make it worse, Seokjin is now bowing on the ground.

Seokjin take a few step back from the bench and bow, not making any eye contact at the camera. He doesn't care if the wet grass will ruined his shirt nor cardigan.

His shoulder shake as he start to cry on the wet ground. All the members heart broke, crying silently except Jimin who is already crying pool of tears. Seokjin look so vulnerable, alone and cold. All of them want to run there and give the warmth that the eldest deserve. But they can't.

Slowly he start to stand up and wipe all the tears and dirt before he went back to the camera. He take it and show the stars.


(sorry can't finish it cuz the author is a lazy bum)



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(hope you enjoy and sorry for all the grammar mistakes)

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(hope you enjoy and sorry for
all the grammar mistakes)


-the most lazy author~💜

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