4th Letter: Taehyung

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It's been 30 minutes I guess that I had started crying and laying in bed. This is just too much for me and the others. I still don't want to believe it although the members had reassured me that's it's going to be okay. How could they said that when they are just the same as me.

I wake up everyday wishing that it was just a bad nightmare. A very bad one. But of course the luck is not in my side. It never be in my side.

“Hyuuung....” I said almost like a whispering. “You said you love us right?” silent. “Then why did you left us? Why?!” I said as I close my eyes with tears flowing.

'The letter...' Taehyung sit on the bed and look down to see a paper in his hug. 'I still didn't read it. Maybe I should read it now.' with full courageous I open it slowly.

Dear Taehyung,

Tae-ah..... What are you doing?  Don't tell me you just laying on your bed for the rest day. You know that it's not good for your health right? Go out and take a fresh air. It will make you much more better.

Hyung is really sorry for leaving you so suddenly but I had no choice. Its either I burden you guys or just leave. I prefer the second choice more.

I know for you I'm not a burden at all but...... It's different from my head. It's keep telling that I'm not good enough for all of you, and when I think about it, it is true after all.

Don't cry Tae-ah. The pain will be over soon. Hyung promise you. If you ever need any comfort don't ever hesitate to go to the members. Comfort each other. That is the best way.

Care if I show you something? Get up from your bed nest and go to the balcony. Now look up.

'I look up at the night sky as the cold breeze past me. It is really beautiful.'

Can you see the brightest star among all the star. I would selfishly say that it is me. If you miss me right now while reading this, just look at the star.

Always remember that hyung will always looking at you. You may can't see me at day time but remember, stars is always on the sky even it's day time. What I want to say is that hyung will always look at you guys from up here.

Lastly I want to say sorry if I was really a burden when I was with you. I still remember when we fight at the concert. Hyung felt really guilty after the incident because I made my little brother cried. Sorry for being immature at that time. Hyung really really sorry again.

Taetae promise me to take care of the others and yourself for me. I don't know if I had done great or not when I was still there but I really appreciate every second we are together.

Before I end..... There is just one more thing I need to tell you. HYUNG LOVE YOU!!!!

Your brightest star,

Taehyung fold the paper and look up at the sky as he spot the brightest star and proudly with smile, he say to the star “Good job Jin-hyung. You had done the greatest we could ask. We a-are so proud o-of you. A-nd I am sorry that I can't say this to you when you are still here. Hope you enjoy your vacation there. Please wait for all of us to go there. WE LOVE YOU TOO!!!!

Taehyung shout while looking at his hyung up there, as the cold breeze hit him which make him smile.



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(Hope you enjoy and sorry for all the grammar mistakes 💜)

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(Hope you enjoy and sorry for all the grammar mistakes 💜)

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