Chapter 3

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          I sit there, frozen. He can't, not me. I'm not good enough for him. Is this a joke?

          "Woah Foster," Keefe says waving a hand in front of him. "Those are some strong emotions you're throwing at me. Are you okay?"

          "Yeah, it's just. I like you to," I blush and look at the ground.

          "I told you so!" Ro almost shouts, she holds out her hand. "Alright, I win the bet. Hand it over Lord Hunky Hair."

          "I don't have it on me!" Keefe says slapping her hand. "And the bet was that you bet it would take Foster three months to confess. I said it would take her longer. Well, hate to break it to you, but it's been five months, two weeks, three days, and four hours. Yes, Foster, I've been counting." 

          "Well, anyway," I say looking up. "What does this mean?" I say pointing between Keefe and me.

          "It means, I get to take you on a date!" Keefe pumps a fist in the air.

          Just then Elwins glitters into the room. "What is this about going on a date?"

          "Foster just agreed to let me take her on a date!" Keefe replied with the biggest smile on his face.

          "Well, I hate to break it to you but you aren't leaving this room until I know you are perfectly healed." Elwin hands him an elixir.

          "Oh come on!" Keefe pouts. "I just got the chance of a lifetime!"

          I giggle. "You are so childish, Keefe Sencen."

          "You know you love me." He winks and downs the next three elixirs, Elwin, hands him. "Ew, what was that last one?"

          "You don't want to know." Elwin digs into his bag and hands Keefe an imparter. "This is your imparter, I just got it from your dad."

          "Yay, just the gift I wanted from my father. Foster, do you know where Mrs. Stinkbottom is?" Keefe looks over at me.

          "Yeah, she's in my bag." I run over to my bag and pull Mrs. Stinkbottom out from under my pillow.

          "Nice try Foster, I could tell you were lying. Where was she?" Keefe asked raising an eyebrow.

          "Under her pillow. But when she slept, Elwin would get her out and hand her to Sophie," Ro butted in.

          "Okay, so, what you're telling me is, Foster slept with Mrs. Stinkbottom? Wow, you missed me a lot." Keefe smiled at me. "Foster cares about me!" 

          "Did I just hear who I thought I heard?" A voice says from the door.

          "Fitzter! How are you doing buddy?" Keefe calls. "Oh did you hear-"

          "That Keefe is stuck in here for another, what, three weeks? Elwin, how long did you say Keefe was stuck here?" I interrupted.

          "Yes, Keefe will probably be here for another three weeks." Elwin doesn't look up, but I can tell he knows what I'm trying to do.

          Keefe Sencen, don't you dare make Fitz mad right off the bat!  I transmit

          Keefe slightly nods, telling me that he understands.

          "So, how long have you been awake? Sophie said she'd call for me when you woke up." Fitz gives me a look.

          "Oh, don't be mad at her. I woke up maybe, thirty minutes ago," Keefe replies.

          Fitz looks down at his watch, "I've got to go to class. If Sophie had told me you were awake sooner, I would have been able to stay. But see you after class."

          Fitz walks out of the room, but not after he transmits, 

          You don't have to hide things from me.

          Could I tell Fitz that Keefe had asked me on a date? Would he get mad? It's not like Fitz and I are still a thing. He broke that off when I wouldn't tell him what I knew about my biological parents. But after the attack, he had said that he missed me and wanted me back. 

          "So, Foster, when are you going to go back to class?" Keefe asks, bringing me back to reality.

          "I'm not going anywhere until you are released from the Healing Center," I say laying back in my cot.

          "Alright, Keefe I want you to sleep," Elwin says before Keefe has the chance to answer.

          "But I've been sleeping for five weeks!" Keefe argued.

          "Sleeping and being in a coma is not the same thing. You need real rest," Elwin replies.

          "I'll sleep if Foster sleeps." Keefe gives me a look that says, 'you need to sleep.'

          "Fine," I say pulling the blankets around me. I move around until I get comfortable. I let my hand hang off the side of my cot and snuggle up with Ella.

          "Sweet dreams Sophie," Keefe says.

          "Goodnight," I reply.

          Before I was completely asleep, I felt Keefe lace his fingers with mine. I heard Keefe sigh and then I finally fell asleep without the help of a sedative.

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