Chapter 26

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--Keefe's POV--

          As I go to follow Sophie, I get kicked out of Fitz's mind. Coming out of his head was a really weird feeling. But the lights hurt afterward. I'm never going to stay in a creep's head for that long ever again. But my thoughts are interrupted by Mr. Forkle asking me, 

          "What did you find?"

          "Well, we found a couple of places that they could have hidden him at," I say rubbing my temples.

          "Okay, I'll send some members of the Black Swan to those locations."

          "Yeah, I would hope that you'd send Black Swan members to those places and not Neverseen members."

          Mr. Forkle doesn't answer me but instead, he is checking on Foster.

          "Why isn't she awake?" He asks.

          "Well, she found a secret part of Fitz's mind and so she went in there but I couldn't and I woke up," I explain.

          "Okay, so I guess we just wait. Though I want you to check her emotions while she is in his head."

          "Forkle Forkle Forkle, I am always checking her emotions."

          He shakes his head, "Just keep an eye on her. I'm going to keep an eye on him."

          As I'm checking Foster's emotions I can feel the irritation coming off of her. Oh great, Fitzy is in to get it. But after a couple of seconds, the shock comes off of her.

--Sophie's POV--

          Keefe has another Ability?

          But that doesn't make sense... How could that be?

          "Oh, trust me. He does and I know exactly what it is... I shouldn't have said that..."

          I throw my conscience into all of his barriers. I will figure out his other Ability. Even if it's the last thing I do. I don't know how many barriers I crash threw before I find a small room and in that room is one small memory.

          I leave Fitz's mind right away and stumble back when I come back to reality. I back up to the door, not looking at Keefe as he asks if I'm okay. I turn around and fumble to open the door. When I finally get it opened I run down the hall to the exit. Even if it takes forever to get back into the egg-shaped office.

          I throw open the doors and walk outside, ignoring Sandor and the calls coming from Keefe and Forkle. I won't accept that Keefe has another Ability, let alone a completely unheard of Ability. How the heck did Lady Gisela create an Ability? How is that possible?

          "Sandor?" I call behind me, knowing that he'll be there.

          "Yes?" He replies.

          "I think it's time for us to go home," I say grabbing his hand and pulling out my home crystal.

          I pull us into the beam of light and turn to see Keefe running to us. 

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