Chapter 25

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"Fitz looks like this"


          Fitz's mind was dead silent and cold. It felt like when my human parents had their memories erased. But Fitz hadn't had his memories erased. The temperature dropped and all I wanted to do was follow the warmth back up and out of Fitz's mind.

          Foster, this is one of his tricks. Snap out of it.

          I created a mental figure for myself so Keefe could see where I was.

          How did you do that?

          Just try and concentrate on making yourself appear. Pretend you're drawing yourself into Fitz's mind.

          A few seconds later, Keefe was standing next to me. But he looked more like a drawing. 

          Umm, Keefe, when I said imagine drawing yourself I didn't mean literally

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          Umm, Keefe, when I said imagine drawing yourself I didn't mean literally.

          Keefe vanished and reappeared with a grin on his face.

          Keefe vanished and reappeared with a grin on his face

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          Much better. Now, we need to figure out how to get out of this cold empty space.

          I search through the corners of the space for an opening or a crack in his shield.

          Foster, you may want to take a look at this.

          I head over towards Keefe and notice a huge opening that wasn't there before.

          "I was tired of your worthless searching," Fitz said.

          It appeared after I touched this wall. You didn't reveal anything.

          "Yes, I did," Fitz snapped.

          You can't lie to the Empaths.

          I heard Fitz's thought swimming around in that portion of his mind and right as I stepped through the gaping hole I saw the familiar craziness of his mind. Though at the same time it was neat and tidy. Not as tidy as Lord Cassius's mind, but still tidy.

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