Chapter 12

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          "So that's your big idea?" Tam asks running a hand through his hair, "I mean, it might work, but, it's not likely with just the two of us. I mean, you kinda added Sophie to the plan without realizing it. You realize that, right? Your plan needs someone to track thoughts. Only Sophie can do that, and I doubt Fitz is going to help us."

          "Sophie isn't the only one who can do that now. Remember, I manifested as a Telepath and the Forkelnator said that my Telepathy is almost as strong as Sophie's," I counter.

          "Fine, continue explaining your big plan," Tam says rolling his eyes.

--Sophie's POV-- 

          Dreamland is not the best. I mean it's better than being questioned and beat by the Neverseen. Man, I can't move without losing a lot of blood. Most of the time I pretend to still be under the sedative so that I don't have to deal with the freaking knife and questions. I don't know if Keefe got my note or if it was in the last hideout. 


          I transmit as far as I can, but as quietly as possible. I don't know if Fitz is still around tracking my transmissions. I think, from what I heard, Fitz got kidnapped, again, by the Black Swan. Tam got away, I know that because he said he would bring Keefe to the Neverseen's new Nightfall. Yeah, the Neverseen now has their own Nightfall, again. But this time, I'm the one being tested, not my human parents.

          My thoughts were interrupted by Keefe practically screaming in my head, 

          Sophie! Are you okay? Where are you? Please don't tell me that you're going to tell me that I'm too late! Please don't say goodbye! I just got you back, you can't leave me!

          Keefe. Calm down. I'm not going anywhere. They think that I'm under the sedative. Did you guys catch Fitz? What about Tam, did he find you?

          Yes to both, and we're coming to get you. I found th-

          Keefe, don't say it. If they're listening they'll hear you. Okay, they can't know about... it.

          Oh yeah, right. How bad are your wounds? Tam showed me what he saw and I saw you pass out from blood loss. Please tell me that they haven't been doing that daily. Please, Foster, tell me that they haven't hurt you worse than they already have.

          Keefe... It's gotten worse. They said that if you try to get to me again, well, you can guess.

          Sophie, I don't want to guess. I want to hear it from you. I need to know.

          Keefe was begging by now. But I couldn't tell him that they were going to kill me tomorrow if I didn't answer their questions.

          Sophie, I'm not going to let that happen. No matter what, I'm getting you out of there. I'm not going to let you die at the hands of my mother.

          I forgot that our minds were connected. Dang, I forget about that all the time.

          Do you want to know what the worst thing is? I can feel the excitement coming from them every time they beat me. I can feel the pleasure of hurting me. 

          Sophie, you'll be okay. I'm going to find you and get to you tonight. Just, keep pretending to be under the sedative. I love you. You're going to be fine.

          And pretend I did. I sat there for who knows how long. But finally, Gethen walked in and sat in front of me. Or I think he did. I had my eyes slightly closed and I hung my head like I was sleeping.

          "Sophie, I know that you're awake. I don't want to hurt you."

          I didn't move. He was obviously lying and I wanted no part in it.

          "Sophie, you know that I'm not lying. You can feel it. You're an Empath, so don't try to say that you can't feel the truth behind what I'm saying," Gethen lifted my head to face him and slapped me.

          I gasped and opened my eyes. Gethen had this grin on his face that made me sick to my stomach. 

          "What do you want?" I spit. "I have nothing for you. So why do you keep me here?" 

          "Is this any way to treat your father?" He asked.

          I froze. No, no it can't be. I'm not related to the enemy. 

          "No. You aren't my father. You can't be. Mr. Forkel would never let you. You're lying," I say, I'm starting to have a panic attack.

          "You know I'm not lying to you. You're an Empath, just like your mother." I start to freak out because I realize that this is the reason I couldn't know who my parents are. "Sophie, don't act like you don't know. You know exactly who your mother is."

          "No, I don't." 

          "Well, I guess I'll just get it out of you some other way. Until then, you'll just sit here while I beat you. You need some proper punishment from your real father." Gethen pulled out the shamkniv. "You're going to wish you were dead."

          He grabs my arm and drags the knife down. I scream out in pain as he pulls the knife out slowly. I scream as he pushes the knife through my side right next to really important organs. Black starts to rim my vision and everything starts to spin. I think I'm imagining it, but I think I heard some yelling. It sounds like Keefe, but I'm losing a lot of blood so, I'm probably hearing things. Before I know I know it, I'm out cold.

--Keefe's POV--

          Tam and I raid their hideout and when we make it halfway in, we both hear screaming. I tell Tam to cover me as I run farther into the base. I peek around a corner and see Gethen walk out of a room with a shamkniv that's covered in in blood. I transmit to Tam to meet me at the Healing Center, and I make a run for the cell before the door closes. I slip through the door and prop it open. I see Sophie slumped on the ground. I notice a gash on her arm and see blood seeping through her shirt. I lift up her shirt slightly and see a huge gash on her side. 

          I quickly pull out a leaping crystal and lift it towards the light coming through the window. I grab Sophie and pick her up bridal style. I wrap my concentration around her and step into the beam of light. When we reappear, I see Tam running to me. He comes and sees what kinds of injuries that Sophie has and runs back into the Healing Center.

          When I enter the Healing Center Elwin runs up to me and flashes multiple spheres of lights around her entire body. I set her down on a cot and then I'm ushered out of the room. I spend the rest of the day waiting in the hallway as Elwin works to wake Sophie up.  

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