Chapter 1: Moving In

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(A/N: This is what I think Alyssa looks like also I'm going off the book not the movie)
Today was the day I was moving to Forks, Washington with my older half sister Bella. I've never been to Forks, but I was told by Bella that was were her dad Charlie lives. Bella and I are in the car with our mom and dad on the way to the airport. I am wearing a green long-sleeved sweater with some comfy jeans that used to belong to Bella. We are in the airport now and mom was hugging us for like the millionth time in a row. "Bella, Alyssa," mom said, " You girls don't have to do this." I wasn't ready to leave my mom to go a place I've never been, but I had Bella and I knew everything was going to be alright. I was about to say something but Bella beat me to it. " We want to go," Bella said speaking for the both of us. I knew Bella was lying because I knew my older sister well, even if we are only a year apart. I tuned out the rest of their conversation and went over to dad. "Bye Dad," I said hugging my father. "Bye Alyssa love you kiddo," said my father before he went over to my sister and mother.
    Bella and I got on the plane after we said our goodbyes. I plugged in my earbuds for the long plane ride and went onto spotify and shuffle played my recent playlist. I closed my eyes as the plane took off. After a dreadful 5 hours of being on a plane, Bella and I were waiting for Charlie in the airport parking lot. I notice Bella spot a police cruiser with a man leaning against it. I assumed he was Charlie because Bella had told me he was the cheif of police. (A/N: sorry if I make Alyssa sound like she's following Bella like a puppy, but its because she looks up to her older sister.) We walk up to the man and he akwardly-one sidedly hugged Bella. "Its good to see you Bells," Charlie said smiling at Bells. I giggle at the name, which caught the attention of both of them. "Dad this is Alyssa," Bella no Bells said to Charlie. "It's nice to finally meet you Charlie," I say with a small smile on my face. He just smiles and then turns back to Bells. (A/N: I know that sounded mean but I'm trying to go off the book but just adding Alyssa there and some of my own plot too) "You haven't changed much. How's Renee?," He said to Bells.
"Mom's fine. It's good to see you, too, Dad," said Bella. We got in the cruiser, Charlie and Bella in the front, while I'm in the back. I didn't mind though. I tuned out most of their conversation as I looked out the window at the small but homey town. We passed by so many trees and buildings, and I was thankful for the fact that I decided to pack clothes for the cold weather. A few minutes later we pulled up to a house that was right near the woods. I got out of the cruiser and grabbed my luggage out of the trunk. Bella did the same and then I followed her and Charlie into the house. I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard Charlie grumble something. Bells went upstairs with all her stuff as I did the same, and I guessed Bella remembered something. "Hey Dad where is Alyssa gonna sleep," Bells questioned. "You won't mind sharing a room, would you Bells because I got a cot for Alyssa to sleep on," Charlie said coming up the stairs? "I'm fine with it if Alyssa's ok with it," Bella said turning to my smiling form. "I'm ok with sharing a room with amazing sister," I said doing a little dance. Bella's cheeks turned a little pink at my statement and Charlie just smiled. I went into the room and smiled at how homey it was. It had wooden floors, light blue walls, a peaked ceiling, and yellow curtains by the only window in the room. I set my stuff down on the cot and started to unpack. I put all my clothes in the tiny closet I share with Bella, I made the bed I was sleeping on, and set my phone and laptop on the desk. I went over to the bathroom I saw on my way up the stairs, and put my bathroom essentials away. I knew Bella will not be happy about sharing a bathroom with two other people. After I got all settled in I came back into our room seeing Bella just starting to unpack.
     "Hey Bella what do you think tomorrow is going to be like," I questioned my sister who I could tell was not excited for tomorrow? Tomorrow me and Bella are going to Forks Highschool, because Charlie had enrolled us in even if its like the middle of the school year. I just hope I make some friends in a school filled with 359 students. Bells stopped what she was doing and looked at me with a forced smile on her face. "I hope everything will go good, plus I know you'll make friends because you can be very outgoing when it comes to people," Bella said but this time with a genuine smile. I just chuckle and say,"Of course you would say that Bells and actually I'm more of a turtle when it comes to talking to people and you know it." I'll admit I am not a people person. After Bella finished her packing she went to go take a shower 'typical Bella', I just plugged in my earbuds and went to Youtube and played my favorite song Ex's & Oh's by Elle King. Lets just say I had a dance party until Bella came in and disturbed me. I stopped my dance midway to find a laughing Bella and Charlie. "Crap you guys weren't supposed to see that," I say to the two laughing people in front of me. After dinner Bella and I went to bed, and just let me say it was hard to sleep because Bella was crying and it was so cold.
    The next morning I got up early to talk a shower so Bella wouldn't get to it first 'haha in your face Bella'. Today I was wearing an orange long-sleeved shirt, some black leggings, and my white converse, and I did my hair in a bun with my hair down. Breakfest didn't go so well because Charlie, Bella, and I aren't the talkative type. After a quiet breakfest Charlie wished Bell and I good luck for school, and Bella and I thanked him. I wished Charlie a good day at work because I bet being the cheif of police can get pretty hard 'Please stay safe Charlie'. Once Charlie left, me and Bella grabbed our jackets, and headed out to her homecoming present which was a truck that in my opinion looked old, but in good condition. After 5 seconds of walking in the rain we got in the truck. And since I don't have my driver's license I'm stuck in the passenger's seat, I don't mind though. Maybe 10 minutes later Bella found the school and I was relieved because I thought we were going to be late. Bella parked the truck right next to a building marked Front Office. " Nice ride," a kid with a terrible buzz-cut said to us 'though mainly Bella'. "Thanks," Bella said to the kid and not getting that he said that as a joke. When Bella started walking to the building I made sure her back was turned, and then I stuck my tongue out at the kid and then glaring at him afterwards. 'Take that loser', I thought. I then caught up to the brunette hoping she didn't notice my absense, and thankfully she didn't. Once were inside, I was hit by a cold breeze of air coming from the air conditioner. I walked up to the desk with my sister where the receptionist (A/N: I think) lady was sitting. She was fairly large and was red-haired, she had the most weirdest glasses I have ever seen, and she was wearing a purple t-shirt 'what the heck is wrong with this lady by wearing that when it's freezing outside'. "Can I help you girls," the woman asked? I motioned for Bella to go first, since I had no intention to any way. "I'm Isabella Swan," my sister informed the red-haired lady. "Of course," was all she said before she handed Bells her schedule and all that jazz. The lady then turned to me waiting for me to speak up. "I'm Alyssa Dwyer," I said trying not to show this lady I'm a nervous wreck. She just nods and hands me my stuff. I walk out of the building putting on a small smile since I was excited to start my Junior year.
(A/N: So even though Alyssa is a year younger she should be in her sophomore year but let's just say she was really smart in freshman year and she skipped a grade.)
When I got outside I noticed more people had arrived within the 15 minutes of us being inside. I then took a minute to look at the map that was given to me, in my eyes it looked very complicated with all the highlight markings on it. Bella and I went our seperate ways because we didn't have our first class together. The only classes we had together were gym and biology. 'Well this sucks I won't get to hang with my sister on our first day', I thought to myself. I was walking to building 2, when I bumped into something or should I say someone. "I am so sorry," I said looking up the person I bumped into since he or she seemed to be taller than me. It of course was a she, and she had the most beautiful porcelain skin, her hair was golden and gently waving to the middle of her back, her golden eyes were what caught me off guard. She seemed like the type to be mean, bratty, and snobby but what she said changed my mind. "It's okay, you seem lost do you need any help," said the girl. Her voice was definetly one of an angel. "U-uh yes some help would be great I'm new so I don't know my way around and this map is impossible to read," I said to the girl. "I'm Rosalie but you can call me Rose," said Rosalie. "I'm Alyssa but you can call me Lyssa," I said bringing up my old child-hood nick-name given to me by my mother. "Well it's nice to meet you Lyssa," said Rose. I just smile, as she helps me find my way to building 2. We exchanged numbers before heading our seperate ways. I also found out my locker is right next Rose's which is a bonus I guess.
~Time skip to lunch period~
I was sitting with Bella and her friends for lunch 'way to go Bella you made some friends', since Rose was sitting with her family. My thoughts were disrupted when I heared Bella ask a girl at the table,"Who are they?" I followed Bella's gaze to find Rose and her siblings at a table only ten feet away. The girl sitting next to Bella just giggled and I turned my head back to hear their conversation. "That's Edward and Emmett Cullen, and Rosalie and Jasper Hale. The one that left was Alice Cullen; they all live together with Dr.Cullen and his wife," said the girl under her breath. "They are... very nice-looking," Bells said gazing at the bronze-haired boy. 'Geez Bella he's just a boy', I thought to myself wishing my sister would understand that starring is rude. "Yes!," a girl that I learned her name is Jessica said. Jessica definetly was a gossip from what I gathered from Bella. " They're all together though - Emmett and Rosalie, and Jasper and Alice, I mean. And they live together," Jessica said. 'Yep she's definetly the snobby one', I thought. I looked back at them again and found who I think is Edward starring at the back of Bella's head. I finally decided to join this conversation since I was bored and finished with my food. "Which ones are the Cullens?," I asked out of curiosity. "They don't look related. . . ." "Oh, they are not. Dr. Cullen is really young, in his twenties or early thirties. They're all adopted. The Hales are brother and sister, twins - the blondes - and they're foster children," said Jessica. "They look a little old for foster children," Bella said. 'Seriously Bella don't judge a book by their cover', I thought. "They are now, Jasper and Rosalie are both eighteen, but they've been with Mrs. Cullen since they were eight. She's their aunt or something like that." Said Jessica. "That's really kind of nice - for them to take care of all those kids like that, when they're so young and everything," said another girl at the table. I tuned out the rest of their conversation because I just didn't want to hear all the things they were saying about my friend and her family. "I'm gonna go get to class early Bella, see you in biology II," I said standing up from the table. Bella just looked at me and her facial expression read 'don't leave me with these people.' I throw my trash away, and head to building 4 I think.
           When I get to biology I go up to the teacher and hand him my slip so he could sign it. "Welcome Miss Dwyer you can go sit in the empty desk next to . . ," said Mr. Banner. "How about Mr. Cullen." Edward raised his hand so I new where he was I guess. As I walked to my seat I saw some girls look at me with jealousy written across their faces, and this was not pleasent being in this situation. I sit down in my seat and at least trying to get comfortable on the cold metal stool. Five minutes later my sister walks into the classroom, and doing the same thing I did before the Mr. Banner told her to come sit next to me and Edward. Once she got close enough, I felt Edward stiffen in his chair and move away from us as much as possible 'Well there goes my chance of making another friend thats kind-of related to Rose'. I watched my sister smell her hair as if it smelled of a terrible odor. I couldn't smell anything coming from my sister but fear and worry. 'Poor Bella', I thought as my sister put her hair to the side so she couldn't see Edward stare at her. It was hard paying attention because I was worried for my older sister, although it seemed like Edward was trying to stay as far away from us as much as possible. I just realized that he didn't stiffen or be on edge when as I sat next to him, maybe it was Bella but who knows. I'm not one to judge quickly but I could tell he didn't like us. As soon as the bell rang indicating that class was over, Edward seemed to jump out of his seat and exit the class faster than everyone else did. Me and Bella were next to leave Biology, so we could get to gym class. I left Bella behind so I could get there before anyone else.
~Time skip to after gym class~
When gym was over, I realized it was my favorite class out of all my other ones because I could watch my older sister try to do anything sports like and, since my dad is a minor league baseball player I guess being athletic is in my blood. Bella and I were walking to the front office to hand our slips in since we got them signed by all the teachers. When we walked in I saw Edward Cullen standing at the front desk with the red-haired lady. He didn't seem to notice our entrance though. I guess Bella noticed that too because she was waiting for the desk to be cleared. We just waited until the door opened bringing in the cold air from outside. His back stiffened again and then he turned back to look at the receptionist lady. "Nevermind then," He said in a velvety voice, " I can see that it's impossible. Thank you so much for your help." And with that, he walked out the door without saying a word. I walked up to the desk pulling Bella along with me. I could see out of the corner of my eye Bella's face was pale. "How did your first day go, ladies," the lady said to us. "Fine," Bella said well more like lying since I knew she was. And Bella is a terrible liar and I've learned that from experiance. The lady didn't seem convinced with Bella's answer but she seemed to shrug it off. We handed her our slips of paper and then walked out of the door.
    Bella and I got in her truck and, Bells just sat there starring out of the windsheild thinking. It soon got too cold for me, and I guess Bells noticed so she turned the truck on and it roared to life. I felt warm air brush against my skin and then I was satisfied. Bella then drove us home back to Charlie's and I could see that the brunette was sad. And I was going to find out why.

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