So I just got back from the visitation thing for my great grandpa (dude I couldnt handle that I just hung out wiht my cousins the whole time, omg, it didnt even look like him, ugh). While there, my cousins and I goofed around, and...
Emily (@ROBSTARFAN4LIFE) was going to the bathroom, and we were all (thankfully we're all girls) hiding in the bathroom because none of us want to socialize normally. So then Katie (Emily's sister, A.K.A. @sunshinehappyrainbow) entered the stall next to Emmy's and climbed over the wall to sit on top of it and annoy Emily.
And then she got stuck. :/
And I had to stand on the toilet and help her down, cause she was afraid she would fall in the freaking toilet.
And then later we LOST our other cousin, James (the only boy), and had to go search the entire funeral home for him. We found him eventually hiding under a couch in an unused room. He wouldn't talk to us; we thought he was mad about something.
A few minutes later, Emily ran into the lounge thingy to inform Ava (@abc123me5) and me that James was actually STUCK.
Random Book of Random Hashtags
RandomThis is my random book of randomness... in the form of hashtags. Yup.