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Stiles held his phone in one hand with the flash on, walking through the deadly woods.

She said she was at a clearing by the river, but there was 5 of those spots, so Stiles had to go to all of them till he found her, if she was still there.

He thought about calling out her name, but that's how you get killed in these woods.

"Rose, I'm so cold." He could hear her shiver. "I really wish I had a walk in Tardis, and a blanket, and food. I really want a pizza. I'm starting to regret this, Rose."

Stiles entered the clearing and the light landed on her.

"Millie." Stiles breathed out, he was worried. A girl in the woods on the coldest day in the year with high supernatural activity? That girl would have a high chance at dying.

"Stiles! Your here." Millie stumbled as she got up and looked back and forth between him and an empty spot. "Yeah, I have a deal for you." Stiles noticed she looked relived and happy to see him.

"I'll let you stay at mine, and feed you, only if you tell me everything you can." Stiles held out the apple and she immediately grabbed it. "Deal!" Millie took a bite out of the apple only to spit it out after. "Oh gosh that's horrible."

Stiles handed her the jacket, and they started walking to the Stilinski residence. "I have something for you." Rose whispered in her ear.

"Yogurt, I like yogurt, give me yogurt."

A young Amelia Pond ran to get him yogurt and he spat it out instantly. "I hate yogurt, just stuff with bits in it." The Doctor wiped his face with his arm. "You said it was your favorite." Amelia looked up at him. "New mouth, new rules. It's like eating after cleaning your teeth." His stomach growled and he had a full body spasm. "What's wrong with you?" She asked him, after all he was just a stranger who crashed in her back yard with a smoking blue box.

"Wrong with me? Why can't you just give me decent food, your Scottish, fry something." He was awfully bossy for a stranger, but he just regenerated, everything was weird. So she fried him some bacon, and he spat it out after two chews. "Bacon, that's bacon, are you trying to poison me?" Maybe the man was a vegetarian. She made him beans, and that was a fail. "Beans are evil, bad, bad beans."

She made him butter and toast and he threw it out the door, including the plate. "And stay out!" Honestly she was up way past her bedtime. She was insane for even suggesting carrots. But them the weird raggedy man found Fish Fingers and custard, and ate it all, while she ate ice cream out the tin.


"Before I cook us anything, I have a couple questions." Stiles sat them down on the couch.

"I'll answer anything." Minnie pulled her legs up to her chest, trying to keep the warmth all to herself. "Why are you here? You said you left home, which is far away. And you could hear me? And What exactly are you?" Stiles started off with the first things he could think of.

"Ok, um, how do I explain this. Ok, so 17 years ago, there was a woman, and she had so much power running through her that she screamed, that created me. I grew up like any other kid, but I'm here to protect earth. It's my home planet. The doctor, he's like me, we'll he's more than me, He travels through space and time to save and protect people, but since it's only one person, he can't save everyone. My parents think I'm their normal kid, but I can't be with them if I want them safe. I'm Human, and Timelord, and Bad Wolf. I'm my parents, my creator and the doctor all at once. If that makes sense." Millie laid back and rested against the chair.

"Why did you go missing in 4th grade?"

"It was before I knew how to travel, I followed my shadow, to a different town, we walked. When we got to our destination, I saw first hand, vampires fighting and a human willing to trade her life for his. I think it was my first time seeing supernatural. It took a while to get back home, but I was ok, I was safe." Stiles leaned in slightly like he was interested.

"Last question, for now. You keep saying shadow, why?"

"My shadow is apart of Rose Tyler's soul, the woman that created me, and only goal is to teach me, guide me, help protect me, so I can protect the earth." Millie rested her head on her hand and slid her legs down.

That night, they had pizza for dinner, and didn't talk much.

Stiles slept on the chair and she slept on the bed, Rose sat on the edge of the bed looking at the Werewolf in the window, who shrunk under her gaze.


"Guys!" Isaac ran into the loft, it was pack night, everyone including the Sherriff was there for some quality bonding time. "There's a new threat I think. I went to Stiles' to see if I can borrow his econ notes from Thursday, and there was a woman sitting on his bed, and she had gold eyes, like it was leaking out of her. And there was a girl sleeping on his bed and she has two hearts. One here and here." Isaac pointed at one side of his chest to the other.

"Let's go check it out, ok?" Scott turned the TV off and stood up.

"What has that boy gotten up to, this time?" The Sherriff followed Scott out the door like everyone else and they all drove to Noah's former home.

All the lights were off and there was a certain scent surrounding the house that they couldn't place, not even Derek.

Scott walked up to the door an knocked, trying his best to be respectable. A light turned on in Stiles' room and there was some movement and a yelp before the woman Isaac described, opened the door.

Scott let his eyes turn red and growl, "Who are you?"

She touched Scott's nose and all of his wolfy futures went away, confusing him and his pack. "Silly boy. It's late. Come back later!" She closed the door in his face and turned around to Stiles and Millie.

"Stiles, don't freak out. This is my shadow, this is Rose. Remember what I told you about her?" Millie kind of stood between the two while Rose leaned against the door, keeping the pack from getting inside.

"Millie, do you remember that dog that always barked at you in 6th grade? What did you do?" Rose asked her when she saw panic start to rise when she heard a crash upstairs.

Millie grabbed his hand and hugged Rose, the three of them disappearing in thin air, allowing the pack to burst in.


"Someone call Chris." Derek looked around the Stilinski home.

"I already did." Isaac held his phone up and a few minutes later, Chris Argent walked in. "Tell me everything."

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