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"We know how to find your friends." Jack walked into the loft with Gwen, Scott, Lydia and Argent.

"You couldn't tell this on the drive, for what?" Scott walked passed him to sit on the couch with Liam. "Why say it twice when I could do it once, anyways, her parents, Sofian and Reyonald, had already forgotten her, till I said her name, and with the certain drawings of the beautiful Rose Tyler on the day I died, and the Doctor, and the Tardis....god I miss that thing. We should have brought the hand." Jack sat down on some steps.

"Were not bringing that goddamn hand, and your not going with the doctor again till I die, actually die." Gwen shoved his chest.

"You ever play naked hide and seek?" Jack teased her and she groaned, deciding to sit with Owen and Toshiko.

"You really should join." Ianto held the ruined tie in his hands. "I'm married!" Gwen threw her shoe at Ianto, who undoubtedly returned it after a few moments.

"What was I saying? Oh! So how the timeline matches up, and how they don't remember her birth or adopting her, I put my money on, Rose Tyler did more than bring me back to life and kill some Daleks. Looks like she gave a... I don't want to say birth...but that's what she did. Anyways, Rose was pumped up with so much juice, anyone in the universe could spot her, now let's say that her kid has the same juice flowing in her blood, just like Rose, we'd easily be able to spot her, but so will everyone else. Tosh, go ahead and set up Bad Wolf." Jack got up to stretch and Toshiko already had her computer open, ready to type things up.

"Wait, so she gave birth, but didn't, but did?" Liam was just as confused as everyone else in the pack even Lydia, who was their token smart one.

"I wasn't alive when she did it, I'm just going off of what everyone else's story, and the data. Everyone alive said when they were all fighting, they felt a boost of energy so strong that they almost dropped their guns." There was a look in Jack's eyes, that Torchwood knew by heart, it wasn't a good look either.

"That amount of energy was blasted everywhere in the universe, and that doesn't happen unless a planet explodes, and no planets died that day." Jack swung by Tosh and looked at her computer.

"She's not on earth, She's... I've never heard of this planet, Jack?" He looked closely and grinned just a bit.
"That's the planet, Surios. She's far from home, let's bring her home, and the boy." Jack pressed some calculations on his watch before disappearing in blue light.

"Scott, what's that?" Malia pointed outside the window at something in the sky, multiple somethings.

"Spaceships. Those, boys and girls, are alien spaceships." Owen left the stairs to stand in front of the window.


"Cybermen, this is.. not good." Jack almost flinched when a house blew up somewhere to his left.

"C'mon Millie, where are you." He looked at his watch again and it told him with coordinates she was somewhere in this building in front of him.

"MILLIE!!" Stiles screamed as he watched her fall to her knees. "Mills, I have one more left, you gotta do something." Stiles ran and held her shoulders. "Were going to die, and if I don't stay dead, their gonna kill me over and over again till one day I stay dead." Stiles pulled her up to her feet when her eyes were gold again.

"Millie, you have to save us." And it seemed to do the trick. She looked at the cybermen and they fell like empty tins.

"Every single atom of your existence and I divide them." She muttered when they all turned to dust. She destroyed the walls in front of her as she walked, to Stiles, this was like living inside a movie. He surely wasn't letting this go without a fight, dead or alive.

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