Fingers Crossed

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Bey pov

You didn't mean to i replayed in my head as I did my job, but you did anyways , I was just so angry at nicki, I should have known from the jump she was going to play me, why on earth would she not call me after what happened that night.

I knocked on her door and entered when I got a response, Mr Jackson just called he said he'll be late to the meeting.

She got up and pulled me towards her, taking the documents I held dropping them on her desk.

Nicki: Bey I need you to hear me out,

I rolled my eyes trying to get away from her grip but I tell you the girl held me so tight It was almost impossible for me to move.

Bey: ok I'm ready to hear you out, let me hear the trash you put together, the stupid reason why you fucked and dipped me, the reason why you disappeared and left me all alone in an hotel room naked with no notes no calls from you.

Nicki : I didn't want you to see me differently, I didn't want you to start avoiding me because I was different, most ladies don't take a girl with a dick serious Bey, I really like you, fuck I think am in love with you, and it would hurt so much if you didn't want anything to do with me because I was different.

Bey: so you avoided me, because that was the easiest way out, you didn't think about how I'll feel.

I was trying not to freak out, she really had a dick, oh my God, that's the reason I woke up feeling like a trailer ran through me.

Bey: please let me go, what you just said doesn't even make sense.

Nicki: I'm sorry Bey, I promise to do better if you give me a chance.

Bey: a chance to do what Fuck and dip I'll be damned if I let that happen...I learnt my lesson

Nicki: I'm sorry bey let me make it up to you

Bey: and how do you intend to do that

Nicki: let's start this on a new slate

Bey: you've got to be kidding me like what the Fuck Nicki ..... Start on a new slate how many new starts do you want from me Nicki

Nicki: I promise this will be the last

I just sight and walked out of the office because I didn't want her to see how happy I was, I needed her to think I'm still mad at her it will help keep her in check.

I walked out of office and then it finally hit me,if she had a Dick how did Jason hit it....oh my God that's some real shit right there I never saw Jason as a guy who was Into girls with Dick.

I began to wonder if that was the reason why he wasn't really into me because I wasnt his type,what the hell I'm I saying he was into me I'm not even sure about anything at this moment like ughhhhh can all this scenes just stop playing in my head,

I just kept imagining how Jason and Nicki had Sex and those Images was sending me to the edge Jason has my mind fucked up right now

I saw Sheila walk pass me no hi no hello well that's a new one she's probably angry I stood her up

Nah don't judge me it wasn't intentional,Kelly said it will be terribly wrong to lead her on and that was what I intended to dovso I stood her up so she gets the memo and hopefully she moves on and that's exactly what she's done.

I sat in my cubicle not really wanting to be around Nicki right now,not because I was angry at her but because sharing an office with her might make me loose my cool because this whole experience is all new to me.

I'm will to try out new things and who knows this might be something real and I wanted to enjoy all of it. Fingers crossed what more do I have to loose.

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I know it's been like a year and I'm really sorry
Life has been a bitch
And I'm just great I'm to be alive

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