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(Spot looking at CJ ^)

Carly's POV (again. I promise it will switch up soon)

The 'Hattan newsies start setting up in Medda's for the rally. Race is putting out drinks on the tables while Kid Blink and Mush are hanging banners. I haven't told them yet but they spelled strike wrong. I envy Medda and her beautiful show dress. I love wearing dresses but I can't, I need to work. I don't want to be stuck in some dumb factory. Also dresses are nice, pants are more comfortable and easier to get around in. But every once and awhile I need to dress up.

"Does it look alright, CJ?!"

I turn from where I was decorating Medda's swing to see the boys done with hanging the banners. They're crooked and spelled wrong but I smile anyways.

"Looks great fellas! Go get ready!"

They go to find seats and I finish with the flower design before going to the balcony to find my own seat. Boys start to pile into the room and I sit on the edge of the balcony with my feet dangling.

I notice spot walk up to the stage. He looks really handsome tonight. Not that he doesn't always look handsome but... okay I'm getting off track.

"Carrying the banner!"

Jack yells out and we all cheer. There are so many kids here I can't even start to count them. Four boys have joined me in the box. I think they're from The Bronx but I'm not quite sure. Spot, Davey, and Jack stand on stage.

"So, we've come a long way, but we ain't there yet! Maybe it's only gonna get tougher from now on!"

Everyone turns to hear what jack is spitting out.

"But that's fine! We'll just get tougher with it! But also," He shushes everyone as they start cheering. "Also we gotta get smart and start listening to my pal, David! Who says, stop smoking the scabs!"

Everyone start booing and race starts talking.

"What are we supposed to do to da bums? Kiss em?"

I start laughing along with the other newsies but shut up when Spot starts talking.

"Hey, look any scab I see, I soak dem. Periodt."

All the newsies cheer and I just roll my eyes. I'm not one to advocate violence but I sure won't back down from a fight. David starts yelling at the crowd.

"No no no! Thats what they want us to do! If we get violent it's just playing into their hands!"

Spot starts fighting with him.

"Hey, look, they're gonna be playing with my hands, all right? 'Cause it ain't what they say, it's what we say. And no body ain't gonna listen to us unless we make em!"

People start shouting and arguing. I've had enough of these idiots. Not Spot tho, never Spot. He's just got a big head is all. I finally whistle to get everyone's attention. They all get quiet and turn to look at me.

"Aye! We gotta be civil people! You got no brains! Why are we startin' to fight eachoda? It's just what the big shots wanna see! That we're street trash! Street rats with no brains, no respect for nothing including ourselves!"

Jack takes over from here now that everyone's calmed down.

"So here's how it is! If we don't act together den we're nothing! If we don't stick together we're nothing! And if we can't even trust eachoda den we're nothing!"

"Tell em, Jack!" Mush yells out.

Jack turns to Spot to see what he says. If he agrees then we'll win for sure.

"So what do you say, Spot?"

Spot glances at me and smirks before turning back to jack.

"I say... that what you say..." He grins at jack. "Is what I say."

They spit shake and we all cheer. The boys hurry off the stage for Medda's performance. I can't wait to see it. I know these shows are supposed to be more enticing to men but it's actually really nice. She's a good singer and is quite pretty. I start singing and laughing along to her song.

Spot's POV (ooooohhhhh)

I sit back and watch CJ on the balcony. It isn't stalking or anything. I'm just observing him... for strategy. He sings along with Medda and swings back and forth along with the other newsies. There's something about this guy. Something special. He's real brave to be yelling at all these newsies. And he's smart. I ain't never seen a newsie make as much as he makes in a day. Not even myself and that's saying something.

I stop behind him when I realize my legs have taken me all the way up here. How did I not realize this? I sit down casually on the balcony next to him and dangle my feet over the side.

"Hey, CJ!"

"Hey Spot! Nice blowout, aye?"

"Yea. You're were real brave with yelling at all dem newsies. I'm glad you're Brooklyn."

"I am too."

I hear the boys on the balcony behind us start to shout and one of them rams into CJ making him lose his balance. Before he can fall I catch him by the waist and hoist him back up. I almost felt some sort of padding under his shirt. Maybe he got hurt or something? I should ask later. To make sure he's alright. His nose is looking a little better too.

"Thanks Spot."

"Don't mention it. I'm just your hero is all."

He rolls his eyes and starts walking down the hallway to the stairway. I trip as I try to keep up. I have no idea where we're going. I finally stumble and catch his wrist half way down the stairs. He turns back towards me and without thinking I press my lips to his. CJ leans into me a bit and I smile into the kiss. I set my hands on his waist and lean CJ back on the railing. Man is he a good kisser. I've been waiting to kiss my newsie for a while now.

CJ pushes off my chest and looks so confused and almost guilty. My hand reaches for his neck to kiss him again when he pushes me back. I follow him as he keeps walking down the stairs in silence. Finally he speaks up.

"Spot can we talk? Like alone?"

"Yeah sure. Is something wrong?"

He doesn't answer me and keeps walking until we get to a clearing near the front of the building. It's not as loud out here.

"So Spot, you're the king of Brooklyn. And you'se all knowing."

"Yeah? Where is this going?"

He hesitates for a moment giving me a chance to speak.

"What's up with the bandages in your chest? I noticed them tonight when I caught you and saw them the night I stayed in 'Hattan."

"What? Oh... that was actually what I wan-"

"You know if you got hurt, da boys can help you. We got a whole defence system. Was it one of my guys who hurt you? With all that's going on I haven't had the chance to introduce you yet-"

"No Spot! That's not- let me just explain. I'm actually-"


Word Count: 1219

So I had previously published this chapter but really wanted to add a kissing scene in it. I might go back and change it later but what do you think? Comment your ideas and maybe a little vote to help? Maybe?

Sorry if these are a little sloppy. I'm trying to get more chapters out.

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