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Carly's POV

I've decided. I'm going to escape. I'm not sure how but I will. It's been about an hour since Spot left. So far I've cried, ate my bread, and took stock of all the equipment I have to escape.

After looking around my cell I found a couple things that might help. I have a stool, lamp, table, bedsheet, bandages, and my rope. As well as all the clothing on my body. But I'm not planning on stripping to escape.

"Heya CJ."

I look over to see Ace at the door. He's a Brooklyn newsie that got stuck in here a month ago for stealing.

"Hey, Ace you got any news about tomorrow?"

After Crutchy wasn't feeling well, Ace took over his job of taking the food and news to Snyder. He's been keeping me updated on everything going on and bring me stuff, including my rope.

"Apparently the coach to take you away is coming at 2 in the afternoon. You'll drive all night and arrive in the morning."

I smile and give him a nod when he notices something and his eyes go wide.

"That's Spot's key!"

I look down and immediately stuff the key in my shirt. Not that I'm ashamed but I'm not sure if Spot wants everyone to know.

"Yeah. But don't tell anyone, they might act a little..."



He shrugs and hands a paper through the slot in the door.

"This is from Crutchie . Don't worry, me and the boys are looking after him."

I slightly smile and sit on my stool.

"Thanks. I'll see ya later Ace. Say bye to Crutchie for me, please."

He nods and walks off. My hands shake as I open the letter from Crutchie.

Dear CJ,

Greetings from the cell next door. How are you? I'm okay. Guess I wasn't much help the other day. Snyder soaked me real good with my crutch. Oh, yeah, CJ, this is Crutchie by the way. These here guards, they is rude. They say "jump, boy jump or you're screwed". But the food ain't so bad, least so far. Cause so far they ain't brung us no food. Ha, Ha.

I'll miss you CJ. Or Carly. Which ever name you prefer. I hope you know I wasn't mad. You's my best friend either way. Good luck out there. I know you'll be fine. Me in the other hand I'm not so sure. But I'll try. For you at least.

Your Brother, Crutchie


It's the morning now. I've finally decided how I'm going to escape. Now this is the riskiest escape yet but I know I can do it.

By the position of the Sun in the sky I would say it's about 12:30-1:00 in the afternoon. People will be in the streets so I'll be able to blend in easily. I spent the last two hours getting everything set up. Breathe... here goes nothing.

I tie the rope to the bed and hang it out the window. I stand in the corner near the door so when the guards come in they can't see me. I throw the lamp on the ground and it crashes. I hear rustling outside and soon three guards run into my room. They don't see me and run straight to the window. I run out of the room and close the door behind me.

My hand clutches one of the stool legs that I broke off to use as a makeshift club. I start running and go faster when I hear the guards start yelling after they realize they are stuck in my cell.

"Get back here!"

"We need backup!"

I slide down the railing in the stairway, going past two guards in the process. At the bottom I'm met with another guard.

"Stop right there, missy!"

He grabs my arm and I use club to hit him over the head. He bends over and I use the opportunity to knee him in the chin. The guard lets go of my wrist and falls over.

I run past him and look back to see him knocked out at the bottom of the stairs.

"Haha! You los-"

I run right into someone. When I look up my jaw drops.

"Mr. Roosevelt I am so sorry."

He smiles at me and turns back to Snyder who's surrounded by three giant cops.

"Why is this lady here? She is dirty, malnourished, and no where near decently dressed!"

"You see, Governor sir, she was just staying here temporarily-"

"Shut it! I've heard enough. Officers keep an eye on him. Mrs. Lawrence will you escort this fine young lady to my coach please?"

I back up. He's going to take me to an orphanage or sweat shop or somewhere. Wherever it is I don't want it.

"With all due respect sir. I don't want to go to an orphanage. I have a family to get back to- well they're like a family- I.. love them like a family."

He smiles at me and ruffles my hair a bit.

"Say no more. I've been trying to get ladies to join the work force for years now. But first let's get you into some proper clothes."

Word Count: 873

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