Chapter One

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              Dedicated to Teefabulous

The Sky was overcast with thick grey clouds drifting towards the direction of Lagos garrage. That obviously meant rain or rain was falling somewhere close by, lightning flashes momentarily parted the grey clouds, followed at varying intervals by the rumbling of thunder, behind the clouds.  My grandfather would have said sango was angry his wife didn't pound his yam well.

A woman in a purple adire boubou can be seen standing close to my car, I don't understand if it's by force to buy what she's selling, I already told her I was waiting for my customer that sells Potatoes. I kept watching the large green bowl on her head wondering if a glue was attached to it, for it to seat comfortably on her head.

Suddenly she inhaled air like an albatross and shouted "Cold peer water! Buy your cold peer water!" at a pitch that could have woken up the dead.

Well, welcome to Nigeria where pure water is called peer water, no be new thing.  I felt greatly irritated with the way she shouted that I had to suppress the growing urge to whack her across her discolored cheeks.

The next thing she did made me hold my breath, a brown matter came out of her mouth like a poisoned arrow and dropped to the floor. She immediately dropped her large barefoot on the coloured saliva, shuffling on it till it mixed with the soil.  Ogun citizens. dey try ooo

Compared to Lagos State, Ogun state isn't that developed, litters of pure water satchel and orisirisi could be seen around the streets. A mad man could be seen scooping the dirty green water in a gutter into his mouth, he had the air of a man happily performing one of the most solemn functions in his life, he suddenly stood up and started walking up and down throwing his legs out at every step and slightly aching his back.

The worms in his stomach must have started fainting one by one, I can imagine them screaming run for your life's like those mosquitoes in RAID advertisements. Three old men were standing in front of a baba ijebu kiosk arguing and spewing vulgar words to themselves.

I alighted from the car and decided to cross the road, moving towards the direction of a crowd that gathered like soldier ants. I moved closer as I heard a loud music.

I resisted the urge to do a freestyle on the road. A lady was dancing like an earthworm they just poured salt on to the loud music. Glo has started with their promo stuff again, the best dancer is going to take a glo shirt home I guess.

The dancers were really stumping their feets on the Sandy soil, provoking the earth, well the earth didn't fail to unleash it's anger on them.  Dusts could be seen everywhere like smokes from an explosion, forming a misty cloud around them.  The chemist around this area will surely sell well this week by the time people start coming in to buy drugs for Catarrh and sore throat.

While this was going on, a strange man dressed in a faded Vest with the inscription  'Ape' could be seen pushing a wheelbarrow and advertising his goods to anyone who cared to listen.

"E de kill mosquito well well
O n payan O pefon............."

(It kills mosquito very well.
It kills Cockroaches.......)

I covered my nose in an attempt to keep off the dust, as I stood on a spot like a jobless person while searching faces for my customer. The penultimate pedestrian to pass is a young girl in a cream shirt and a maroon pinafore with a faded badge on it, on her feet are a pair of cortina shoe's, popularly known as Alli and Simbi or Simbi goes to school, she holds a transparent bag that made me see the contents in it, what I see makes my heart leap up into my mouth and thrash about like a swimmer with a muscle pull strain. Nnedi Okorafor, one of my Favourites. Well I must talk to this child.

Ogun citizens are not distrustful of strangers, you don't have to crack your head searching for the right words, just look face before you get a beautiful design of hand prints on your cheeks.

"Hey!" I said, as I finally caught up with her.

  She immediately stopped, but I didn't fail to catch the look of fear in her eyes, I know she wasn't seeing the tall fine hunk with smooth dark skin, tight frame, neat dreads and beards, but at least she should notice my pale full lips, white set of teeth, full brows that are arched in nature's form and my fluffy lashes, not the whitish grey eyes that makes me look like a deity.

"Sorry, I'm not interested please," She said, covering her eyes with her palm, maybe to avoid looking at my eyes.

"Do you have any idea where iya Jedediah the potato seller might be?" I asked instead. Why should I be interested in this small thing.

"Ahan han iya Jedi, didn't you hear?" She asked, this time tying a white handkerchief over her eyes.

I should feel offended, but I just shook of the feeling, and immediately wore my black shade,  something I should have done since.

"Jedediah not Jedi." I replied, trust Nigerians to always turn fine names into something else.

"Is it not the same thing ni? But I heard this morning that she drank two bottles of sniper." She said nonchalantly.

"Mogbe I taught they banned sniper" I asked her, while making some noise with my mouth, like the way those old men do when brushing their teeths.

"Are you asking me? Uncle dada."  she said walking away.

I stood at that same spot for some minutes, before my eyes gave me a signal by twitching repeatedly.  That definitely meant something arresting is somewhere close by.   And truly something hot is standing right close to me, the hot legs is the first thing that caught my attention, let me just ignore the blue transparent plastic filled with spicy ponmo on her head . I can clearly understand Allison Hyacintho's  statement when he said Aunty Chocolate's leg is as hot as parboiled rice.

I really couldn't help but admire her slim but exquisitely nice legs. She's what my dad would have called a glorification of beauty, I kept on watching like a surveillance camera. Different thoughts ran through my mind and for once in my life time, I felt like a fictitious character in a book. I swallowed as much saliva any brave man would and  attempted to change my walking steps as I walked towards her direction. Hello Hello sister on my mind right now.

The pervert mode in me activated the surveillance camera in me and we started taking notes as i moved closer.

Hot legs, Bulging buttocks, buxom bosoms for my hands, and of course a lissome body for all types of postures.

" Then the face of course should be flawless." I whispered, as I tapped her shoulder, she looked back immediately and what I saw or who I saw shocked me to the bone marrow.


Be rest assured, this is just an experiment like 'At Arm's length'
I've not started writing, I'm still playing with my pen as someone would say 😂😂😂😂 This Chapter looks shaky and it's full of holes. First Chapters are kind of difficult to write abi?

The next update is by May.

Written on  6/4/2020

The chapter is for Tibiebi, even though she didn't give me birthday cake. Girl you can threaten for Ijaw people.

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