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"Where were you two?" Ashley frowns, standing outside the house. I thought she was with Connor?

"Oh, Getting food, I thought you were staying at Connors?" I open the door and get out, walking towards the house.

"I am, i'm getting clothes." She stares at Corbyn, who was just sitting in the car, staring down. I unlock the door for her and she runs in. I walk over to Corbyn's window and he was reading a text message from a groupchat

"Corbyn." I open the car door. He shoots his head up and puts the phone into his pocket.

"Wanna go to Daniels?" He asks, Running his hand through his hair.

"Can i get changed and brush my teeth first?" I raise an eyebrow. He nods and gets out of the car. Following me into the house.

Apollo is in Seattle with Jonah and Tate. She wanted to meet him. I go upstairs and brush my teeth, floss, brush my tongue, mouthwash. Like five times.

Corbyn stared at me emotionlessly "You don't have a gag reflex." Wow what a clever guy, he just noticed now?

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Well done sherlock" I rinse my mouth out. He giggles and hands me his shirt.

"Be a babe and show everyone at Daniels that you're mine." He winks. So he's kinda tryna piss someone off.

"Who's there thats making you want to show me off?" I question. Taking his other shirt off and putting this one on, Tying up at the front so my stomach was exposed.

"Everyone" He kisses my forehead. I change my leggings into another pair of leggings and then slide my forces on. Then we head out. Ashley had already left.

His hand was between my thigh, rubbing it softly. I was texting Louie, It's his first time hoking up with someone and he's wondering if he needs to wear nice clothes or normal clothes.

"We're going to London in two weeks." He makes conversation. one thing i've noticed about Corbyn is that he doesn't like sitting in silence. Like whenever theres silence, he has to do something to break it.

Sometimes i need a break and i prefers fo sit in silence, he understands but sometimes the boy really can't shut up. "I know." I glance down at his hand, resting between my thigh

We also decided to do a couple interviews in London. The first interviews we'd be doing as a couple. "Get to show you off in London too." He looks all around my face, Then puts his eyes back onto the road.

"Getting hate off your fans

"Getting hate off your fans isn't really showing me off." I'll joke about it but we both know it hurts me. Even if they are 15 year olds.

"I would control ot if i could, baby. You know that. If i only i could show them the truth about you..." He looks down. I'm not trying to blame it on Corbyn, i know it's not his fault.

"Can we get crumpets in London?" I break the tension, i know he's trying his hardest. "Obviously, tea too." He puts on a British accent. I laugh and connect my music to his car.

Out of all the songs Spotify could've picked from. Sierra, The song he wrote for me, Came on and he turns it down.

"I'm actually so sorry for what i did to you." He rubs my thigh a little. "I think about it every day."

"You shouldn't, I love you and i forgive you. You were manipulated." I smile at him, even though he was focusing on the road.

"Just tell me if i ever hurt you, It's never my intention. I love you too much for that." He turns it off, pulling into a house garage.

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