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"So let me get this straight, you two are fake dating in order to get back at both of your exes?" Luke points to Eben and I. He's seen straight through us the past week Eben and i have been 'dating.'

Honestly, we just act like we did before but kiss.

"Yeah." I nod my head, "It's working."

"Why don't you... I don't know, why don't you both just get the balls to talk to your ex?" He frowns. Corbyn isn't worth my time anymore.

"Well, because last time i talked to my ex, he made me insecure." I shrug my shoulders, "Plus it's kinda of funny whenever Corbyn walks into the studio and see's us making out."

He's purposely coming into the studio to see me though, so he's technically doing it to himself. The other day he came as soon as i finished locking up because he 'forgot his pen.' Then walked around the whole studio like fifty times before leaving.

"You know you're just gonna make him mad, right? And when Corbyn's mad the whole world should be scared." He sits back in his chair, crossing his legs.

"He started it." Eben says. "Have you seen his new girlfriend?"

"I have, yes." Luke says, "Sienna? She came in and asked me if i could give her shot." He says.

I frown. I know Corbyn and I are playing this game but he's not allowed to fuck other people. I'm not doing that, but then again he's probably lived up on his word and fucked every girl in LA. I wouldn't put it past him.

"And now you're mad that he's having sex." Luke calls me out.

"No i'm not." I run my fingers through my hair. Yes i am, i joke about that shit but out of the two guys i've hooked up with, none of them compare to Corbyn. Daniel was good and everything, but not for me. This guy called Kian was also good, but still wasn't for me. Corbyn just hits different.

"Sierra y'all are gonna become toxic as even friends-"

"Bold of your to assume i wanna be his friend." I don't.

"Okay well, whatever... You going to the club or not?" He asks, standing up. Duh, i've prepared and outfit and everything for it. I know Corbyn's going and i know one way to make him jealous is to make him see what he's missing. So i will do exactly that.

"Yeah, and you promised you'd give me your hair gel." I smile at Luke.

"In the bathroom, Which actually how is it fair that you get the biggest room and the bathroom? Like that just isn't fair." He crosses his arms over is chest. He's joking; all the boys are jealous that they have to share between two bathrooms and i get my own.

"Because, Eben you coming?" I practically drag him up.

"Y'all don't have to pretend around me, it's disturbing." Luke fakes to vomit, taking his doctor shirt off.

Eben and i look at each other, "Luke look at this." Eben chuckles. I was confused and then Luke turned around and Eben pushed his lips on top of mine, going straight in with tongue.

Oh damn. Okay.

"Get out of here." Luke throws his shirt at us, I pull away from Eben and run up the stairs with him, into my room.

"Can i ask you a question?" Eben opens my top drawer while i was undressing in front of him.

"Sure." I slide the dress on, oh damn i'm gonna look good as fuck.

"Why do you have so many of these if you never wear them?" He turns around holding up one of my lingeries. Because Krystal took her implants out and they didn't fit her no more so she just gave them to me.

"So when that special one comes along, i will be prepared." I joke, turning my back to him, "Zip."

He looks down at my body and smiles, "You look really good." He moves my hair so it's fallen down over my shoulder.

"I know, He always had a good eye for dresses." I look at Eben through the full length mirror. He just admired me by looking in the mirror. I shouldn't have said that.

"You should put a lingerie on-"

"Nope." I will only wear lingeries for certain people, Eben isn't one of those people.

"Why'd you have them then?" He traces his finger down my waist. Then i got flashbacks of Corbyn always doing that when i would ask him to zip up my dress.

"Who are you smiling about?" He starts caressing my waist. I was smiling? shit, that's gross.

"Fine, pick one out you want me to wear." I take a step away from him. He goes rummaging through my top drawer again.

"This one." He picks out a revealing black one. Very revealing. Nope, i'm all good.

"Why'd you want me to wear a lingerie anyway? It's not like you're gonna see me." I tilt my head to the side.

"Are you looking to hook up with someone tonight?" He asks.

"Not really."

"How can you go so long without hooking up with someone? I don't understand."

"I don't think a person should rely on sex in order to get the pleasure they want." I actually just don't like the fact of other people seeing my body. I've only ever been with Corbyn, only been intimate with him. I know what he likes and what he doesn't, i don't know what some random guy who i met a club likes.

"So how else do you get the satisfaction you want?" He asks. "Masturbate?" He winks

"No...Have you ever not hooked up with someone in a long time, then hooked up with them like two weeks later?" I ask. The reason i always wanted to wait with Corbyn was because after not doing it for ages, it feels amazing. A lot better then doing it every night.

"Well, i have because you've been my girlfriend for the last two weeks and i can't really bring anyone home to fuck?" He narrows his eyes.

"I'm just saying, it'll feel much better after you wait." I dab my highlighter on with my fingers to finish the look.

"Okay well, this meat ain't been beat in two weeks, can i hook up with someone tonight?" He asks, cute that he asks.

"You don't need to ask to do that, Eben. I'm not controlling you." I squish his cheeks. "All done."

"Gonna walk into the club and act like you're my girl, then leave with another girl just because i don't want to wait." He opens my bedroom door.

"You look really good, Sierra." Daniel walks out of his bedroom, he looks really good too. He knows how to clean up when partying.

"Thanks, Y'all coming in my car?" I ask. They both nod their head and i grab my heels before walking down the stairs.

"Did you find it?" Luke asks, looking me up and down.

"Didn't even look, You coming with me too?" I ask.

"No, Corbyn's assigned me as his therapist so i need to go pick him and Jo up." He shakes his head, "You look really good by the way." He nods. At least i know the boys think i look good so Corbyn will definitely be jealous.

Soon we arrived at the club, full of sweaty people and pretty girls. "Don't mind me, Going to find someone hot to hook up with." Daniel runs his hand through his hair, unbuttoning a couple buttons on his shirt.

"Wanna drink?" Ebens slides his arm across my waist.

"Of course i do."



i was supposed to save my chocolate but i ate it all yesterday now i want chocolate but can't have any because i already ate it.

Anyway, hello everyone this is a cliffhanger for what's gone happen next :)

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