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"Should i give her the blue jello or the red one?" I ask the person at the cafeteria, holding up both of the jello's. Sierra just woke up and said she was hungry, but said she didn't want me to leave. I told her i would be back as soon as possible.

"Uhm, whatever one you want..." She sighs softly, waiting for me to make up my mind. I don't know which one Sierra would prefer.

"Oh, what about the cereal-"

"Sir, can you please hurry up. Take both the jello's and let her chose, you eat the other one." Well her patience isn't very high.

"Can you give me water and coffee too." I stand to the side, taking my wallet out of my pocket. I set down some cash on the table and let her keep the change. She hands me a tray with two jello's, a bottle of water and a cup of coffee. I walk back to Sierra's room where she was watching a video on my phone.

I close the door with my foot and set the tray down on the table, "I didn't know if you wanted the red or blue jello..." I look down, she was watching a cooking show.

"The blue one tastes like ass." She sets my phone down, pushing herself up a little. The doctor came in and put a sling over her shoulder, she hates it. "Thank you, though."

"No problem." I sit on the seat, re-tying my lace which was coming undone.

"Oh, can i have the coffee?" She smiles at me, hoping i would say yes. Daniels completely took her off caffeine to help with her sleep.

"No, Sorry." I pick the coffee up, "The waters for you."

She rolls her eyes and grabs the spoon, struggling to open the jello. I don't get why they make the lid so tough when they know the patients are weak. I take it off her and pull the lid back with my teeth, setting the jello back down on the table which was hovering above her bed.

She shoved her spoon into it and finds amusement as it starts to wobble. "When do i get to leave? I hate it here." She puts the spoon in her mouth, the jello disappearing as she takes the spoon out.

"I don't know yet, we gotta wait till Luke's back." I answer, sipping on the coffee.

She went silent for a moment but then clears her throat, "Why did you sell your house?" She carries on nibbling at the jello. I didn't want to be reminded of all the memories we had together.

"Too big." I set the coffee down. She looks at me, hundred percent not believing a word that comes out of my mouth. I love big houses, she knows that; everyone knows that.

"Lies." She sets the phone up so it's leaning against the bottle of water, typing my password in and then pressing play on the cooking show again.

"Didn't want to constantly be in a place that consisted of memories of you and I." I admit, sipping on the coffee again. She side eyes me but doesn't say anything, just carries on eating her jello.

The door pushes open and Luke walks in, "How you feeling?" He asks, he didn't seem to be in the brightest mood. "Nurse told me you two had a nice little cuddle session."

Sierra sighs, "Luke can you not, please." She looks at him. I fell asleep and when i woke up, my hand was placed on her lips like how she always used to sleep. It made me cry which woke her up.

He shakes his head and looks towards me, "Did anything happen?" In what context?

"Her arm shook a little bit, and she drooled a lot." I sip on the coffee, i will need about twenty of these to keep me awake.

Just Pretend, cb {completed}Where stories live. Discover now