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*did you know*

We're back in LA now, all really tired. Saskia was at the house whenever we arrived, she was looking after Apollo. Corbyn and I were both shocked when we seen her.

She left with Jonah and Ashley to get food while Corbyn couldn't be bothered to even take his sweater off, so he's forcing me to stay home with him.

It's weird how we're lying on the couch but it's lowkey comfortable, If anyone was to talk in and see us sitting like this they would question us.

I was laying down on my back, He was laying on his stomach, head on my lower stomach and hands gripping my thighs. It's really comfortable.

We're watching a documentary about space, Well i'm watching the documentary. He's switching between drawing on my stomach or playing with the waistband off my shorts.

"Baby, I sold the house." He says randomly, That explains the numerous phone calls he's been receiving off estate agents. It's annoying how he never tells me this stuff.

"My dad would love for us to love into his until we get a new one." I called my dad as soon as we landed, he's decorating some models house and she's took an interest in Louie.

"I've already got it." He turns around so the other side of his face was rested on my stomach.

Why doesn't he ever tell me this stuff? "You didn't tell me." I look down at him but focus back on the TV.

"Because i knew you would try and convince me to let you pay for it too." I feel his lips curl into a smile. Yeah that's why i want him to start letting me help.

"Well, obviously. I wanna start helping-"

"No." He didn't even let me finish

"You're annoying." I sigh a little.

"Sierra, If i could, i would build you a house wherever you want. But you would murder me so i can't do that." His eyelashes flutter on my skin before he pushers himself up and hovers over me, using his hands as a stand.

"It would make me happy if you let me help you." I smile a little. He just shakes his head no, "I don't need your help." He's annoying.

"You don't need my help but i want to help." I look away from him and back at the TV just to indicate to him that i'm a little mad.

"Baby look at me." He frowns, turning my chin look at him. I look into his eyes, then his lips, then back into his eyes, "I'm not letting Jo or Ash pay for anything either. We're having a look at it in a couple days."

"You haven't even seen it yet?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Mom has, And Jordan. They both said we'd love it. And don't worry, it's close to here but with more protection so you're not away from Louie or Sebastian." He replaces just hands with his elbows, planking over me.

"Can i buy furniture at-"

"No." He smiles. I look him in the eyes and roll my eyes, looking back at the TV.

I didn't even get to watching the space documentary because he decided it would be a good idea to start kissing at my neck.

"Stop." I move away. I feel guilty for not letting him help. So i'm mad at him.

"Don't be mad at me." He pouts, "It's nearly all furnished."

"I don't care, You don't let my buy anything?" I push myself up a little. I feel useless.

He ignores me and places his lips on mine, i'm supposed to be mad at him but how can i be mad at him when he's doing shit like this this? I can't.

Just Pretend, cb {completed}Where stories live. Discover now