hairington has made a chat!
hairington has added nocollarbones , zoomzoom , willtheGAY , eggomyleggo , hotwheeler , hotterwheeler , cameracreep , detectivebyers , chocolatedaddy , comeatmeidareyou , theresidentlesbian , and j.hopper !
hotwheeler: what is this
hairington: hush child
hotwheeler: no
j.hopper: Why was I added to this chat?
hairington: bc we need you to make sure something bad doesn't happen
j.hopper: bc?
hairington: ???
j.hopper: What is bc?
hairington: you dont know what bc means?
j.hopper: No I don't, can you just answer the damn question?
hairington: no
nocollarbones: *sips tea* the drama is strong today
willtheGAY: it means 'because' ;-;
hairington: will you ruined it
willtheGAY: sorry mother
detectivebyers: ??? I'm not even involved in the discussion??
willtheGAY: o yeah we forgot to tell you that steve is the party's mom
theresidentlesbian: and i'm the cool aunt who gets the kids beer when i go to visit
detectivebyers: You better not.
hairington: you better not >:(
j.hopper: YOU BETTER NOT
(side note: all three of the messages were sent at the same time)
willtheGAY: don't worry i won't take any drugs :)
eggomyleggo: me neither :)
zoomzoom: i dont know bout yall but i would take em in a heartbeat
comeatmeidareyou: me too thooo
detectivebyers: Wait, who's comeatmeidareyou ?
comeatmeidareyou: i'm erica
nocollarbones: i just realized that not everyone knows who everyone is lmao
nocollarbones: lets all say our names
nocollarbones: i'm dustin if yall didnt know already
hotwheeler: i'm mikeeee
hotterwheeler: nancy
theresidentlesbian: robin buckley
eggomyleggo: eleven ^-^
zoomzoom: mad max ;)
chocolatedaddy: lucas sinclair
detectivebyers: Joyce Byers
j.hopper: Everyone already knows but I'm Hopper.
cameracreep: why am i getting so many notifications from this chat
hairington: just state your name honey
cameracreep: ? okay ? jonathan charles byers
hairington: ...your middle name is charles
cameracreep: yes????
hairington: damn mine is joe
nocollarbones: j o e
hairington: shut up dustin gaten henderson
THE SCOOPS FAMILY-FRIENDLY (not really) PARTY - a stranger things/it group chat
Fanfictionlong story short? don't let steve make a group chat for everyone. many, MANY, things will go wrong. in the funniest way possible.