Janna's woe

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"You can't do that you know"

She crackled, "I know. But it was fun"

It was currently a Sunday afternoon down at Echo Creek and our favorite (or 2nd favorite) couple was currently sitting down on a bench at Echo Creek Park. It was a beautiful day out, the sun was shining, the birds chirping, children laughing, a perfect day to be outside.

"Janna, you can't scare kids with witchcraft. I might be a demon, but they're innocent."

"Oh come on Tom, I know you thought that was funny." Tom scoffed. "Yeah sure whatever." But inside, Tom was dying of laughter. She always knew how to make him laugh....or scare him but that's what he liked about her. She wasn't easy or hard to get either. "So what do we do now before later tonight?" Janna questioned.

Later that night, Tom was planning on taking Janna to a drive-in movie to watch a movie. He had to ask Marco what Janna would like and this was one of the few options. Plus, Marco had offered to let Tom borrow his car, on the note that Janna never touches the steering wheel. He owned him one.

Tom spoke, "I say we go and get some food, I'm starving. I-I mean if you want to eat we don't have to if you don't want to. I mean it''s tot-" Janna stopped him with a slap on the cheek.

Tom held his cheek, getting slightly angry. "Ouch! Janna, what was that for?" "You were talking too much. Here, I'll make it better." She gave him a kiss on the same cheek. She got up from the bench and extended her hand. "Now, come on. Let's go get food before I slap you again."

They took a nice stroll down the sidewalk on the way to the Chinese Palace, enjoying each other's company. Janna was fascinated with Tom's underworld adventures. She hoped he would take her there one day. They were interrupted by an annoying voice.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't witch girl." Ah, Brittany Wong. No surprise there. She had a hand on her hip, with a disgusted look on her face. Behind her were two other girls she doesn't remember.

Ugh, what does she want now?

Her disgusted face turned to a sultry one. She looked at Tom. "Hey Tom. Looking handsome as always."

It's been 2 years since Tom started dating Janna. 2 years since he visited Echo Creek more. Two years since Tom had a massive glow up. 2 years since every girl in Echo Creek started checking him out and 2 years since Wong had been on her tail. She wasn't jealous, not at all. But it was still weird. Everywhere they went, a girl would walk out to him for his number, completely oblivious or not to Janna's presence. Yeah, Tom blew them off, but it got annoying from time to time.

Tom nervously laughed. "Uh thanks?"

"Anytime. Wanna go get something to eat?" Tom wrapped an arm around Janna's waist. She didn't like touches but she allowed Tom. . . after a year of dating. "Uh no thanks. My GIRLFRIEND and I are going to eat somewhere, so if you'd kindly move out of the way..."

Brittany totally ignored his comment. She went up closer to him. "Oh come on. Maybe after we can head to my place and have some fun." The look in her eye was very seductive. Tom didn't know what to do in this type of situation.

Janna decided to step in. "Listen brat. I admit I like witchcraft but Tom is mine. Not yours, not anyone else's." Brittany scoffed back, "Why would a hottie like Tom wanna be with you? You're weird, have no friends and are soooo ugly. He could have all this," she referenced to herself, "but instead he has you. Pathetic."

Janna couldn't take her anymore. With one of the tricks Tom taught her, Janna turned Wong and her possy into toads. Usually she would be laughing her heart out but she didn't feel like it.

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