The Dress part 2

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The limo had arrived and taken the boys to the church. They were about 5 minutes away when Tom got a call during his conversation with Marco.

"Hold on Marco. Janna's calling." He answered his phone.

"Hey're kidding....ok I.....ok I won' it....ok Bye love you."

Tom hung up and sighed. "Tom" Marco said, "What did Janna say?" "Oh nothing important. Just that, um, the girls are all ready to go." He said holding 2 nervous thumbs up.

"Oooookay?" Marco looked out the window. "Oo, it looks like we have arrived." He said excitedly.

As the boys entered the church, another limo entered the driveway.

Out came Star, Pony and Kelly. "Ok, the coast is clear." Kelly said. The 3 made their way to the back of the church to enter the dressing room. Star's mom was pacing in front of the door. She spotted them coming toward her and immediately opened the door.

Once everyone was inside, Moon asked, "Star, where's your dress? The wedding is about to start." "Janna and Jackie are picking it up. But don't worry, Tom is gonna stall for us." She said frantically.



The guests were starting to get seated. They happily chatted amongst themselves, waiting for the music to start. The priest, Marco and Tom were already up at the altar. Tom checked his phone seeing he got a text from Janna.

Dress is secured. On our way.

Tom thought of something to give them time. Tom grabbed a microphone and spoke into it.

"Good Afternoon ladies and gentlemen, how are you all doing today?" "Um Tom, what are you doing?" Marco said, trying to keep his cool.

"Trust me" he said then turned back to the audience. "Before we start, I would like to tell you all of how Marco and I met. It's pretty funny. So, when we first met, we hated each other...."


Jackie and Janna rushed through the back of the church carrying Star's dress. They opened the door to the 3 girls sitting down. Star was the first to stand. "You guys made it!"

Janna handed her dress to Star. Star went to the back of the room to change. The rest of them fixed themselves up, reapplied makeup, fixed their hair or their dress.

They all couldn't wait to see Star's dress. No one but Star and the tailor knew what it looked like. After a few minutes, Star had her dress on. "Surprise!" She said getting their attention.

They all turned around and were shocked and amazed. Pony spoke first, "Wow, B-Fly. You look so beautiful. Ima cry." "Not yet Pony. We have a wedding to finish." A determined Star said.


Marco couldn't handle this embarrassment coming from Tom's mouth. ". . . turns out, he and Star kissed in the photo booth. Crazy huh? And then . . ." Tom looked toward the back and saw Ferguson giving him a thumbs up.

"And there's more stories to come at the reception." The guest cheered, they enjoyed Tom's moments.

"Finally" Marco sighed. Tom walked back to Marco's side, giving him a smirk before signaling the pianist to start.

As the original wedding song started, the doors opened. The groomsmen and bridesmaids walked in first, all looking their best.

The next to walk in was Janna holding a bouquet of flowers. She walked with her head high and a smile on her face.

She took a peak at Tom in the front and smirked as he was just staring at her with wide eyes and a red face.

Marco chuckled a bit at Tom's embarrassment.

After her came Meteora as the ring bearer. Next came Mariposa, happily skipping while throwing the flower petals in the air.

Now came the moment everyone was waiting for. The piano changed its music to the blood moon sound while the double doors opened and the guests all stood up.

Walking in arm and arm came River and Star. Marco froze, the blood rushing to his face. Star's dress was modeled after her blood moon dress. Only this time, it reached the floor. It also had a few minor designs to it.

Guess we thought of the same thing.

The crowd was mesmerized by Star's dress. They'd never seen anything like it before but coming from Star's they weren't surprised.

After River handed her over to Marco, Marco lifted up her veil and took in the site before him. He would've started crying at the spot if he didn't try hard to keep it in.

"Y-you look beautiful." He whispered to her. "Thanks. You look great Diaz." She said back to him.

The guests finally sat down at the hands of the priest.

The priest started speaking, "Dearest family, friends and guests, we are gathered here today to witness this man and woman join together in holy matrimony."

He said a few more things before it was time to say the vows. Marco started first.

"I, Marco, choose you, Star, to be my wife. In front of our friends and family gathered here, the ones who've been with us since the beginning, I promise to love and cherish you throughout the good times and bad times. I promise to cook my Super Awesome Nachos every Friendship Thursday and be with you through every adventure or turmoil we face. Today is one adventure I will definitely never forget. Thank you for dropping into my life. I will love you always."

"I, Star, choose you, Marco, to be my husband and forever best friend. In front of our friends and family, I promise to love and cherish you through every obstacle that may come into our path. I promise to never wet your socks and control my sugar obsession. I will be by your side just like you did the first time we fought monsters. I will love you always and forever."

They looked at each other lovingly with tears in their eyes.

Finally, the moment Marco was waiting for. "Do you, Marco Ubaldo Diaz, take Star Butterfly to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do," he said with a voice crack. Star mentally giggled.

The priest continued. "And do you, Star Butterfly, take Marco Diaz, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do" She said with a determined face.

Meteora came forward and presented the rings. Star placed Marco's ring on first, then he placed on hers.

This is really happening, they both thought.

"If anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace."

It was silent.

"With the power invested in me by the town of Echo Creek, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

Marco was the first to lean in and connect their lips. It was the first kiss to the beginning of a new life. The guests clapped and cheered as they watched the newly wed. River and Rafael cried a waterfall while their wives just rolled their eyes.

The two finally separated and smiled.

It was only the beginning.

I'm cringing so hard at my writing🙈

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