I think I'm in love again

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Disclaimer: No magic. Everyone is human. Takes place in their senior year of high school.

May 28, it was Senior Grad Nite and all the seniors were gathered at the field for their last night before graduating, before going to college and possibly never seeing each other again. The whole football field was packed. There was a food area filled with many snacks, drinks, anything you could imagine. There was a photobooth on the other side of the field where friends went to capture their last moments together. Next to that, a big water slide which was occupied by most of the guys. And in the middle were students scattered across the grass on their blankets enjoying the show up above.

On the stage in front, the senior class hosted a small talent show, just for the fun of it. Toward the middle of the crowd sat a special group of friends enjoying themselves: Marco, Tom, Pony (as her friends call her), Jackie, Oscar, Kelly and Janna. They sat on this wide blanket that Mrs. Diaz knitted just for them. They sat, enjoying laughs and special memories from their high school days. Yet someone was missing.


Now where is Star you're probably asking. Well Star is behind the curtains on stage getting ready to perform a song. A special song that will express her feelings for a special someone. It was her only chance before they graduated so it was now or never.

The senior president came up on stage. "Thank you Alfonzo and Ferguson for that... interesting performance. Now we have Star Butterfly singing a song." The crowd gave her a round of applause as she came from behind the stage.

You got this.

Star spoke on the microphone. "Hey guys. This song goes out to a special person in my life." All of Star's friend group turned toward Marco who was oblivious as ever. They knew how Star felt about the Mexican, except for him. Unbeknownst to everyone, Marco did have feelings for Star but could never confess for fear of rejection. Marco just stared ahead, in his head, he was wondering who this 'special person' was. A ting of jealousy was growing in him.

"I hope you all like it."

(Song above)

Time's a ticking, hearts are running
Think that Cupid's up to something
You ask me how I feel I say nothing

When Star first met Marco in the 9th grade, she denied ever feeling something for her best friend even though ever one knew.

But lately colors seems so bright
And the stars light up the night
My feet they feel so light
I'm ignoring all the signs
I keep on frontin'
Yeah i stay bluffin'
I keep you wondering
Keep you hunting for my lovin'

Whenever she was with Marco, her world changed. She felt happier and always wanted to spend time with him. "Well he's my best friend", that's what she would always say to herself.

But I crave us hugging
Yeah I stay stubborn
'Cause I can't admit that you got all the strings
And know just how tug 'em
I think I'm in love again
(my head yeah you're in my head)
I think I'm in love again
(my head yeah you're in my head)
I didn't think it could be true
Let alone that it would be you
I think I'm in love again
I'm in love I'm in love I'm in love

It was during the summer after their sophomore year that she realized her feelings for her best friend.

My heart's pacing
I'm confused I'm dazing
I saw something I never seen in you it's got me shaking
I must be hallucinating

Star never saw herself liking Marco. He was like a brother to her. Yet after her epiphany, she saw him differently.

I hear it happens, I'm just saying
Babe I'm just saying
Someone give me some paper
Someone give me some crayons
I'm feeling like a child
I need something to play on
I'm trying hard to trust you
When you say give me your hand
Baby I'm falling
I hope you catch me when I land

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