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Day 2

Louis must admit, he's surprised to see the same curly haired lad walking in at the exact same time the next day.

The only difference was his shirt, yesterday it was plain white, and today it's simply black. The skinny jeans were same, so is the messenger bag, but this time he has a bandana taming his wild unruly hair.

He rested his side on the counter, a teasing smirk on his lips. "Wanna hear another joke?"

Louis stared at him blankly again, to be frank he had woken up to quite a bad day and the stranger's terrible jokes might made him snap. But for the sake of his really fucking nice face, Louis offered a forced smile and urged him, "Go ahead."

Now he's fully leaning on the counter, grinning widely at Louis. "What did the taco say when it was sad?" Then answered himself, "I don't wanna taco 'bout it."

And Louis giggled, the kind of giggle that made his eyes crinkle and he would cover up his mouth with his hand. A goddamned stranger actually made him giggle like this. He missed the look of fondness that washed over the other boy's face for a second there.

When Louis' laughter died down, he gripped the edges of the counter and let out a breath, chest still shaking from the laughter. "I'm sorry," he declared, voice cracking, now he doesn't know wether to laugh or cry, "I just went through a really shitty morning. That joke was terrible, stranger, it was so terrible it's actually good. Thanks for making my day."

The tall human only nodded, chuckling lightly while adding, "I'll do it anytime. You look like the kind of guy who deserves to be happy all the time, Louis-" Before Louis could ask he pointed to Louis' chest and Louis realized he was wearing a nametag. And he actually pronounced Louis' name right. "-Anyway I have another joke, I'd be so happy if you'd hear another." He pleaded afterwards.

Louis sent him a teasing smile in return, "Well your happiness isn't my first priority, but go for it, curly."

He only rolled his eyes and then turned to Louis to tell him the highlight of the day, "What did earth say to the other planets?"

Louis didn't answer, it's actually becoming a thing. "Wow, you guys have no life."

Louis only snickered a bit this time, "What a fucking bitch."

"I know right?"

Then Louis finally asked, "So, are you gonna order anything?"

Realization hit the costumer's eyes, his earlier confident aura faltering, "Yeah well I don't exactly know why I came here, I guess I felt the need to tell you jokes. Hah."

Louis felt flattered for some odd reason, he's been rude, but this boy actually took the time of his day just to came by for Louis. "Thanks," Louis muttered lowly, afraid of what he might blurt out.

Then the so called joke teller skipping off towards the door, sending a small wave towards Louis, then glanced over his shoulder, declaring loudly. "It's Harry."

Louis stared in confusion, "What?"

"My name, its Harry. Wouldn't be fair to know yours but not mine." Then he walked out, off to the busy streets.

"Harry," Louis absent mindedly called out and automatically grinned. It sounded right out of his tongue.

And maybe he's beeing overly cheesy about this, but at this moment, he really doesn't care. Harry invaded his thoughts until his shift was over. And his grin didn't wipe off his face once.


idk i'm so excited for this book. its disgustingly cliche and normally i wouldnt go for something like this but i love larry and i love these stupid jokes so why tf not.

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