Characters' Answers

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LIA: So the wait is finally over! Here are the characters' answers and the characters to guest star and answer them themselves. Please, sit on your reserved seats gentlemen. [All turns to give each other weird looks before going to each other's booths] Now, let's start with the main man, Louis Tomlinson everyone! [cheer erupts] 


Tommo_Queen: "Why are you so sassy?"

LOUIS: [flips hair] I do it with sass 'cause I got ass. 

Tommo_Queen: "Why do you put up with Harry's jokes?" 

LOUIS: It's hard not to when you're already wrapped around his finger the moment he walked in. [scrunches nose] Isn't that a song?

Tommo_Queen:  "Is it fun working with the 5SOS guys minus Luke?"

LOUIS: I don't know who or what this 5SOS is but if you're talking about the three little hell demons that is my co-workers, then yes. I love them all to death and I've made this weird brotherhood connection with them I guess, but they have their own little squad so sometimes I miss on a few stuff. 


HARRY: [smiles, waves] Hi guys!

Tommo_Queen: "From where do you get your jokes?"

HARRY: I was on the internet and stumbled on this website full of jokes, I've never felt so alive.

Tommo_Queen: "Do you think you're funny?"

HARRY: I know I'm funny.

Tommo_Queen: "Why tell your jokes to Louis when you have 3 other friends?"

HARRY: [sheepish grin] I was going to say something cheesy like Louis being the special one and only -and he is! But to be honest my three friends never listened to my jokes because they think my sense of humor is weird. [frowns] Seriously, it's an actual joke meant to make people laugh, unlike making fun of other people as you usually see with teens nowadays, it isn't funny, I've been there and it hurts. [wipes frown off face] Getting back to the answer, they always told me to fuck off so one day I walked in to the shop and saw this cute and bored employee, I figured, why not? Sorry that's a tad long.

Tommo_Queen: "How does it feel knowing you bottom and Louis tops?"

HARRY: [shifts uncomfortably in seat] We haven't –Jesus, it's only the first date. [narrows eyes] and how did you know I bottom?

Tommo_Queen: "First thing you noticed about Louis?"

HARRY: Eyes, definitely eyes. Have you seen his eyes? It reminds me of the sky, so clear and wonderful. Simply breathtaking and I was awestruck not just by his eyes, but by everything of him. All aside the joke thing, I just knew that he was perfect. I mean, have you ever saw someone and just think that, this is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with? [sighs dreamily]

Harry_Tomlinson_OTP: "Why did you chose Louis to tell all your jokes to?"

HARRY: I like your username, by the way. I ship us too. And I've already answered this question, though I want to add, I kept on telling him my jokes because somehow he decides to keep up with it, miracle or soulmates thing? [grins] 

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