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Day 7

Its been a week since the first time Louis saw Harry and the joke thing had become a routine. Harry would come in everyday at the exact same time just to tell jokes. Here are a few:

"Why is there a gate around cemeteries?"

"Because people are dying to get in!"

"How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?"


"Why did the stadium get hot after the game?"

"All the fans left."

All of them never ceased to make Louis burst into laughter, Louis was known for his straightforward- considerably heartless attitude, and to see him growing a heart because of Harry was a revelation.

This time, when Harry comes inside Louis made one of the other workers -Calum, to cover for his shift. Louis called over for Harry to sit next to him a few tables down the blonde regular Ashton was crushing on.

This is it, he's finally going to graduate from Louis' How to Get A Boyfriend class. Not that any of Louis' relationships ever worked out, or if Harry's already his boyfriend (Yes, he's stopped lying to himself. He developed an inevitable crush), but Ashton still took his advices anyway.

"Look, look, he's going to pull the ass thing I told you about a few days ago," Louis explained, pointing at Ashton when Harry sat down next to him.

Harry raised his brows and only smiled in amusement as Louis watched with a proud mother look in his eyes. "My baby is all grown up," he stated dramatically, one hand clutching his chest, the other wiping fake tears off his cheeks.

Ashton was standing just a little in front of the blonde's seat, dropping his pencil and crouched down to pick it up (it was so believable Louis almost wanted to applause him and give him an Oscar), and stood up with the so graceful move of showing off his ass.

And to add more accomplishment, the blonde actually looked up from his book for once and shamelessly checked him out.

When the blonde (oh my God) decided to make a conversation with Ashton, Harry leaned in to Louis and asked.

"Why didn't the toilet paper cross the road?"

Louis face palmed, he's heard this one before. This is a rare thing, so he turned to Harry (face inches from each other and it was a struggle to hold himself from kissing him), and placed a finger on his lips, holding back a smile.

"It got stuck in a crack."


because you know i'm all about that ass 'bout that ass(hton). fast forward bc we all need to see larry bonding
over ashton's ass

(literally me but i usually just cry over his thighs damn those thighs deserves to be worshipped i literally have an album on my camera roll dedicated to pictures of his thighs i'm not even ashamed to admit it dammit)

anyway do you guys want a spinoff for lashton? instead of jokes, it'll be pickup lines.

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