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This is my own art. Please do not hate on it or the writing. 

Peril sat in her room thinking. Does he love me? I hope he does! Should I go talk to him? I think I should. Just go talk to him!Why is this so hard? 

She got up suddenly, causing a passing Rainwing to jump in surprise.

"Ack! I'm so sorry!" Peril apologized, as she rushed to the prey center.

He's probably going to be in there. Peril thought, Given his love of food and constant hunger.

She could hear the noise coming from the nearly always crowded cave from where she stood. 

What should I say to him? Peril wondered, How should I confess my feelings? What if he doesn't like me back? Okay Peril, get it together. If he says he likes you smile, if he says he doesn't fly out the window as fast as you can, he won't be able to catch up.

As she walked into the room, she realized that the only Dragonet of Destiny in there was Tsunami, who looked at her with wary dislike.

I don't care what you think of me stupid Seawing, Peril said internally.

Out loud she asked, "Do you know where Clay is?"

"I think he went to your room looking for you." Was the only answer Peril got. Even so, her heart skipped a beat.

He went looking for me! Does that mean he likes me, or that he wants to say he likes me as a friend?

She raced back down the hall towards her room, nearly giving the same Rainwing a heart attack when she raced around a corner and nearly collided with him.

"Omigosh! I'm so sorry again!" And with that she kept running.

Once she got to her room, she saw that familiar, friendly, brown face waiting patiently by her door.

"Oh hi Clay!" Peril exclaimed, "What are you doing here?"

"Actually Peril, I was looking for you," Replied Clay, "I was wondering if i could talk to you?"

"Oh, Sure!" Peril said happily. Does he want to tell me he likes me?  Or to let me down?  Or maybe he just wants to go hunting, or to ask me a question about one of the students or if i saw any extra cows at the prey center. Geez, Peril! Just see what he wants!

"Peril, I know you've liked me for a long time" and I just wanted to say-" Clay began, but Peril cut him off.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I knew it! You don't like me at all! You just want me to go back to the Sky Kingdom!" Peril shouted.

" Peril, Peril. Calm down! I was just going to say that I like you too, and always have, since the escape from Scarlet!" Clay yelled over Peril's panic attack.

"Wait...What?" Peril asked, "You like me too?" I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!

"Yes, and I want you to be my girlfriend."

"OMIGOSH, OMIGOSH. Really?" Peril felt as if all the problems in the world suddenly burned up against her firescales.

"Yes, if you want to." Clay said nervously.


"Ok, awesome!" Clay said as he hugged Peril.

The end. 

I am actually a big fan of Cleril, and I think that almost everybody ships them. I don't think this was very good, but let me know in the comments. I am pretty sure it was too short.

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