Short cute scenarios

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These are just some random scenarios in my head that I couldn't build a fanfiction off of.


Peril flew into the cave, hoping no one saw her. She had finally convinced Turtle to enchant a necklace for her! Change this dragon into everything the MudWing Clay wants romantically.  She remembered the words Turtle had spoken as he touched the necklace. She looked at the necklace, made out of heat-resistant metal, and quickly dropped over her head, eyes closed. After a few seconds she looked down at herself. Nothing had changed. That's weird... She thought, until it dawned on her. She already was everything Clay wanted! She felt a blush creep onto her face as she walked out of the cave to go find the MudWing that she loved.


(Just FYI this is a human AU and they're texting.)

Kinkajou: Did you know that the more 'i's someone puts in 'hi' the more they are in love with you?

Kinkajou: Oh! And by the way, hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.


(Another human texting AU)

Deathbringer: Hey Glory! What do you call a snake that's exactly 3.14 feet long?

Glory: *Sigh* I don't know Deathbringer, what?

Deathbringer: A πthon!!

Glory: ......

Deathbringer: Get it? Because pi is about 3.14 and it sounds like PYthon?

Deathbringer: It's funny right?

Deathbringer: Hello?

Deathbringer: Glory?

Deathbringer: Glory did you block me again?

Alright, that's all I had in my head. I just felt like I needed to update too. Did you like it? Should I do more of these. I'm also going to delete some of the AN's.

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